Acum, stiu ca v-am omorat cu faptul ca sunt ocupata, insa chiar asa e. Intre cateva pauze, mai gasesc timp de a mai citi. Pe langa cartiledin rubrica "In my mail" -scroll down pentru a vedea cartile primite, si anume "The hallowed ones", "Cicada", "In my dreams" , si dupa ce termin "Demon hunting in the deep south" , imi doresc sa citesc urmatoarele:

Am citit "Impecabil" printre randuri. Mi-o doresc in definitiv enorm.

Despre "Blestemul focului" am auzit numai pareri bune. Vreau sa ma conving. Merita sau nu?

Cel mai mult imi doresc "Perfect" de Sara Shepard. Sunt foarte curioasa in legatura cu viitorul Hannei, lui Emily, Ariei, sau lui Spencer.

Voi ce carti mai vreti sa cititi?

 La acest concurs am intalnit raspunsuri uluitoare. Am observat fiecare punct de vedere si am fost uimita de frumusetea lor. Daca as fi putut, as fi dat premii pentru fiecare participant, insa din pacate trebuie sa aleg unul singur. Am ales raspunsul care mi-a atins inima intr-un fel unic, si deosebit. Felicitari Cassady! Ai timp 7 zile sa-mi trimiti adresa ta completa la mail-ul .

Raspunsul ei:

Peste tot pe unde citesc gasesc numai definitii sau descrieri foarte filozofice si artistice ale iubirii. Dar realitatea m-a invatat ca dragostea nu inseamna doar parfum de trandafiri si saruturi fierbinti. Stiu ca ma iubeste nu pentru ca in fiecare zi vine cu un buchet de flori sau cu o dedicatie siropoasa, ci pentru ca e umarul atunci cand plang, suportand cu stoicism lacrimile si supararile mele, intizandu-mi la final batista si un zambet, stiu ca ma iubeste pentru ca nu bodoganeste atunci cand am ars mancarea ci ma lauda si face incercari disperate sa o manance, stiu ca ma iubeste pentru ca nu zice nimic cand fur toata plapuma noaptea si el ajunge sa doarma pe un colt tremurand din toate incheieturile...Dragostea are multe fete si poate fi impartita cu multe persoane. De curand am descoperit ce inseamna iubirea de mama si este un sentiment care nu se compara cu nimic. Momentele cand simti micutul ingeras in bratele tale stiind cat de lipsit de aparare este si ca depinde in totalitate de tine. Nu pot descrie in cuvinte dragostea care m-a cuprins cand am vazut primul zambet pe cand eram inca in maternitate si micuta mea avea vreo doua zile. Sau sentimentele pentru sotul meu cand a aflat prima data ca sunt insarcinata sar cand si-a tinut prima data micuta in brate. Adevarul este ca iubirea este infinita si se reinventeaza mereu, in fiecare clipa a vietii noastre pentru fiecare persoana ce ne este alaturi.


 Pentru ca prima castigatoare nu mi-a trimis datele ei in termen de 5 zile, am ales o noua castigatoare, si aceea este: Iulia Andreea ( . Felicitari! Ai timp 5 zile pentru a-mi trimite adresa ta la e-mail-ul si link-ul cartii dorite de pe site-ul libris. ro .

   Multumim librariei Libris pentru acest concurs!

 Am fost azi la posta, si pe langa coada extrem de lunga am gasit trei colete...Sa va arat despre ce e vorba:

Am primit de la Cameo Renae cartea "In my dreams" spre recenzare : Thank you very very much, Cameo! I love it!

Am castigat "Cicada" la un concurs pe facebook-ul Bellei. Thank you!!! I can`t wait to read Cicada!
De la Laura Bickle am primit doua exemplare din cartea "The Hallowed ones" , unul spre recenzare si celalalt pentru concurs, cu autograf. (Thank you, Laura! The books look awsome and I `m very very curious! )
Si acum o poza de grup:

 De aceasta data castigatoarea este Burciu Silvia Alexandra, al carei desen mi-a placut cel mai mult. Nu este vorba de placut atat cat este de exprimat. Felicitari! Trimite-mi te rog la adresa de mail datele tale, la subiect mentionand "Concurs 3-date castigatoare" (nu de alta, dar am o vraiste in mail-uri) . Ai timp 1 saptamana .

  Iar ceilalti... nu fiti dezamagiti, ca vor mai fi concursuri!

Am sa dau maine un update cu desenul castigatoarei.

Venice, 1585.
When 16-year-old Laura della Scala learns that her older sister, Beatrice, has drowned, she is given no time to grieve. Instead, Laura's father removes her from the convent where he forcibly sent her years earlier and orders her to marry Beatrice's fiancé, a repulsive old merchant named Vincenzo. Panicked, Laura betrays a powerful man to earn her way into the Segreta, a shadowy society of women who deal in only one currency—secrets. The Segreta seems like the answer to Laura's prayers. The day after she joins their ranks, Vincenzo is publicly humiliated and conveniently exiled. Soon, however, Laura begins to suspect that her sister's death was not a tragic accident but a cold-blooded murder—one that might involve the Segreta and the women she has come to trust

Pe langa super coperta- imi plac mult de tot astea cu masti- si subiectul e cool :) 


As I step into the room, a silver flash blurs my vision. Before I can take a breath, the world falls away."

Brianna has always felt invisible. People stare right past her, including the one boy she can't resist, Blake Williams. But everything changes at a house party where Brianna's charm bracelet slips off and time stands still. In that one frozen, silver moment, Blake not only sees her, he recognizes something deep inside her she's been hiding even from herself.

Discovering she is descended from Danu, the legendary Bandia of Celtic myth, Brianna finds herself questioning the truth of who she is. And when she accidentally binds her soul to Blake, their mutual attraction becomes undeniable.

But Blake has his own secret, one that could prove deadly for them both.

Bound together by forbidden magic, Brianna and Blake find themselves at the heart of an ancient feud that threatens to destroy their lives and their love

Foarte cool faza. Eu m-am inscris, intrati si voi daca vreti! Click aici

Cel mai repede am citit "Revelatia" de Kelley Armstrong in editie de chiiosc intr-o zi. "Secretul Ariei" intr-o ora, doua. De regula, dureaza cam o saptamana, uneori chiar 4 zile.


Insa, acum, fiindca sunt super ocupata citesc o carte in engleza in 3-4 saptamani-ceea de regula era 1-2 saptamani si una obisnuita in 2 saptamani, in romana, vrea sa insemne obisnuita.

  De aceea recenziile pe blog sunt mai rare. Pur si simplu invatatul., oboseala, temele ma depasesc. Sorry :( Macar mai fac 1-2 postari pe blog.

   Voi? Cat dureaza de obicei sa cititi? Cu sau fara muzica. Eu fara.

Un roman din seria FEMEI DIN CEALALTĂ LUME de Kelley Armstrong

După cum probabil mulţi dintre voi ştiu, registrul narativ e schimbat, personajul principal este, de această dată, Paige Winterbourne, dar ritmul de thriller paranormal rămâne, ţinându-te cu sufletul la gură de la prima până la ultima pagină.
Pentru Paige, o tânără şi încă neexperimentată vrăjitoare, nu este uşor să o călăuzească pe micuţa Savannah, în vârstă de treisprezece ani, pe drumul de iniţiere spre maturitate şi să o apere de toate pericolele care o pândesc. Aceasta din urmă şi-a pierdut nu de mult mama − adeptă a magiei negre −, şi se anunţă a deveni la rândul ei o vrăjitoare de temut. Totul se complică în momentul în care Leah, femeia semi-demon care i-a ucis mama, doreşte custodia lui Savannah. În acţiune intră Sabatul vrăjitoarelor, Străbunele, membrii unei atotputernice Cabale, demoni, creaturi din Cealaltă Lume, dar şi avocatul vrăjitor Lucas Cortez (implicat nu fără oarecare interes, dar mânat de bune intenţii şi atras de farmecele încântătoarei Paige)… personaje suficiente pentru ca iadul să se dezlănţuie pe pământ!
Personaje bine conturate, răsturnări de situaţii, umor, mister, romance şi multă acţiune, într-un univers supranatural pe care Kelley Armstrong ştie atât de bine să-l apropie de lumea reală.
Mai trebuie să vă pun în gardă că personajele din primele 2 volume ale seriei apar doar episodic şi fără o implicare în acţiunea cărţii, deci prezentul volum poate fi citit independent.
Cartea are 480 de pagini, formatul 13×20 cm, este cartonată fără supracopertă. Preţul de listă este 39,90 lei, iar la precomandă beneficiaţi de 25% reducere şi transport gratuit.

Puteti citi cartea chiar daca nu ati citit inca "Luna plina" sau "A doua luna plina". Acesta este un roman independent. Nu stiu despre voi, insa eu chiar o vreau. Mai ales ca FRA-fortele raului absolut-au fost super! 

Chronicling the rise of the Keepers, this is the stunning prequel to Andrea Cremer's internationally bestselling Nightshade trilogy!
Sixteen-year-old Ember Morrow is promised to a group called Conatus after one of their healers saves her mother's life. Once she arrives, Ember finds joy in wielding swords, learning magic, and fighting the encroaching darkness loose in the world. She also finds herself falling in love with her mentor, the dashing, brooding, and powerful Barrow Hess. When the knights realize Eira, one of their leaders, is dabbling in dark magic, Ember and Barrow must choose whether to follow Eira into the nether realm or to pledge their lives to destroying her and her kind.

With action, adventure, magic, and tantalizing sensuality, this book is as fast-paced and breathtaking as the Nightshade novels.

Nu stiu despre voi, insa eu nu am citit "Nightshade" de Andrea Cremer. Asa ca...cum vi se pare "Rift"?

Am descoperit de curand aceasta melodie de la Evanescence. Usor melancolica, insa plina de subiect! I LOVE IT? Voi nu?

Enjoy "Secret door"

 A venit momentul sa anunt castigatoarea concursului Libris cu carte la alegere, si aceea este  LarisSa LaRi   ( Felicitari! Astept adresa ta prin e-mail la in termen de 5 zile. Lasa te rog si link-ul cartii dorite de pe Libris. ro.

In continuare, nu uitati ca mai avem in desfasurare concursul cu " Vant de apus, vant de rasarit" si cel cu agenta si gentuta "Povestile unei inimi" !

 Am primit aceasta carte spre recenzare de la libraria online Bookcity, careia ii multumesc enorm pentru acesta poveste incredibila, care mi-a placut :)

  Mi-a placut inca de la inceput ca este narat din perspectiva unui baiat. Este ca un pahar de apa rece in desert. M-am saturat sa vad lumea doar prin ochii fetelor. Ethan locuieste in Gatlin. Acesta este un oras ciudat, dar la urma urmei ca oricare altul, cu copii normali. Nimeni nu vine in Gatlin. Oamenii pleaca din Gatlin.
    Totusi, cineva se muta pana la urma. Aceea este Lena, fata cu ochii verzi si parul s-a aflat in fiecare vis al lui Ethan. Cei doi par sa aibe o conexiune aparte, vocea ei putandu-se auzi in mintea baiatului.

     Fiindca Lena este fiica batranului Ravenwood, numit incuiatul orasului, ea este tratata urat si vorbita indelung de ceilalti locuitori.
     Mi-a placut felul in care este scrisa cartea, cursiv si domol. Nu domol-nu-se-va-mai-intampla-nimic, ci domol-ma-cufund-in-carte-si-uit-de-ce-e-in-jurul-meu. Mi-a amintit putin de "Fior" de Maggie Stiefvater, insa aceea este cu totul si cu totul o alta poveste.

     Am si auzit ca se va ecraniza cartea :) dar nu prea mi-au placut actorii. Mi-a placut cum evolueaza actiunea, nici fulgerator, dar nici lent. Personajele negative sunt create cu multa iscusinta, deoarece enerveaza orice cititor, acestea fiind "fitoasele" de la orice scoala: Savannah si Emily.Cand la engleza se sparge un geam, ele exsagereaza, dand vina pe Lena, cum ca ea il sparsese, si asa incepe tot calvarul. Ele nu se lasa, si vor mai mult ca orice sa o exmatriculeze. Nici nu te miri de unde asa ambitii, cu mamele lor in consiliul DAR, o chestie foarte banala, dar care lor le da dreptul sa-i puna pe toti sa faca ce vor ele.

     Pe langa asta, mai este si Ethan, indragostit pana peste cap de Lena. El afla ca pe fata o urmareste blestemul Casterilor, si cum ca la a 16ea aniversare va fi revendicata, si anume daca va deveni Intunecata, de partea raului, sau Luminata, fiind de parte binelui.
     Mi-a placut ca a fost atat de complexa povestea! Pe langa astea, mai sunt lucruri obisnuite, petreceri, si totusi, deasupra tuturor este perseverenta indragostitilor de a impiedica Revendicarea Lenei. Am apreciat enorm cum cartea este mai mult decat complexa, si anume in felul urmator: nu exista doar gaduri de rascruce, gen: trebuie sa omor pe cutare, cutare vrea sa ma omoare, intelegeti, se arata toate grijile. Problema lui Ethan cu parintii, mama lui fiind moarta, iar tatal aproape nebun, el fiind crescut de Amma, o vrajitoare.

     Mai mult, de cand o intalneste in carne si oase pe Lena, toata viata i se schimba. Vechile prietenii de strica, insa unicul cel mai bun prieten, Link, personaj care mi-a placut enorm ii ramane aproape, chiar si cand mama lui ii interzice asta. Urmeaza balul iernii, cand Ridley(verisoara Intunecata a Lenei) face prapad, si ghici pe cine cade vina? Lena! Savanah, Emily si Charlotte fac un fel de grup "Ingerii liceului", o idee absolut penibila- pentru apararea elevilor hartuiti. Lumea chiar se revolta.

  Trecand peste asta, cand Macon intra in joc le da o clasa, wow. In plus, personajele mai cauta un grimoir, o carte veche de vraji, si urmeaza multe aventuri. Mi-a placut mult cartea! Sincer, m-am saturat pana peste cap de povestioare banale, in care nu exista decat iubirea. Aici iubirea este un simbol! Nu am regretat nicio clipa de cand am inceput "A 16ea luna". A fost o poveste incredibila, din care nu as modifica prea mult. Ca in orice carte care respecta, este plina de rasturnari de situatie, si un puncvt culminant adevarat. Stiti ce inseamna asta? Nu 2 pagini, nu 5 pagini, ci 40. Aproximativ. Asa da!

      Abia astept continuarea, ce pot spune! Zilele astea am fost foarte ocupata, si inca voi fi, asa ca a durat mai mult pana am terminat-o, insa in definitiv a fost minunata. Lena este genul de fata frumoasa pe interior, insa vazuta de altii din exterior este ciudata. Mi-a placut lupta pe care a dus-o. Cu toate respingerile primite de catre colegi, ea tot vrea sa fie normala, vrea cu desavarsire asta! Ethan este un baiat bun. Loial, curajos, face orice pentru Lena. Iubire adevarata.

    Daca ar fi un singur lucru pe care as fi vrut sa-l adaug la carte: precum in "Fior" sau "Sovaire", mi-as fi dorit cateva scene emotionate, gen: imi vine sa plang. Cele doua autoare ar fi putut adauga mai multe momente de acest gen. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, au fost clipe romantice, insa mi-ar fi placut sa le dramatizeze un pic mai mult.
    Acum, daca Lena va reusi sa le infranga pe mironositele de la Jackson (liceul), sau de ce parte va fi Revendicata, sau daca Ethan isi va mai contacta mama, sau care e faza cu mama Lenei, si multe multe multe altele, veti afla in paginile, de fapt in cuvintele, cartii.

NOTA: 5.5

Am primit de la Darynda Jones niste chestiute foarte dragute. Doua agendute, adica notebook-uri, semne de carte si pixuri. Giveaway scrie pe ele! In curand :)

Thank you Darynda very much

Voi ce ati mai primit in ultima vreme?

Of, frate! A inceput de-a binelea scoala. An greu, anul asta. Ce sa zis. Nu mai am timp de nimic. Bine, acum poate si pentru ca dimineata sunt moarta de somn si ma culc la loc, gen: scoala-te la 8. Da, da bine, si 5 minute mai tarziu dorm. Scularea: in jur de 10 30. Apoi, ca si cand nu ar fi suficient, da-i, apuca-te de teme, invata si la 12-13 pleaca la scoala. Serios???

  Pe langa asta, abia a inceput anul. Peste 2 luni jumate dam in teze, si Bum, mai multe teme. Greu cu scoala asta... Ei bine, ce sa ma mai vaiet, va las si pe voi.

   Vo posta maine recenzia de la "A 16-a luna" -bestiala cartea - . As fi pus-o mai devreme, dar nu am avut timp sa citesc. Dupa ea ma apuc de "Demon hunting in the deep south" de Lexi George, si poate 1-2 spre recenzare. Poate primesc in sfarsit un E-reader ca tot vine ziua mea. Ma rog, o sa continui cu In my dreams, The hallowed ones, si alte carti.

  Noutatile de la Leda nu ma incanta deloc. Pan acum. Nu mi-a placut deloc "Chimie perfecta", iar "Blestemul focului" nu am citit-o -poate , poate.

    Voi ce mai ziceti?

 Here there are the winners at the International giveaway with swags! Congrats!

Melissa Dennis - won prize 5 -
Hanganu Bianca - won prize 4 - 
JustLaugh - won prize 3 -
Law- won prize 2 - 
Brici Veronica - won prize 1- 

You have 2 weeks to give me your adress for sending the prize!  

Send me your adress at:

 Partenerul nostru, editura Curtea Veche ne-am facut surpriza de a sponsoriza un nou concurs in cadrul "Maratonului de concursuri" ! De data aceasta vom avea ca premiu o agenda si o gentuta cu coperta cartii "Povestile unei inimi", dupa cum puteti vedea si in fotografie.

 Ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a castiga? Nimic mai mult decat un comentariu lasat la postare, in care spuneti ce inseamna iubirea pentru voi. Cateva argumente exprimate in cuvinte, iar cel mai convingator si mai expresiv raspuns va fi ales. Mult succes!

Lasati va rog si o adresa de mail la care sa va contactez daca veti castiga.

Durata concursului: 19 septembrie -  29 septembrie. Castigatorafisat pe 30. 

Am si uitat de ele! Bun, deci sa va arat ce am citit si ce nu:

1)Jocurile foamei de Suzanne Collins
2)Sfidarea de Suzanne Collins
3)Revolta de Suzanne Collins
4)Sovaire de Maggie Stiefvater
5)Spulbera-ma de Tahereh Mafi
6)Tradarea de P.C.Cast si Kristin Cast
7) Aleasa de P.C.Cast si Kristin Cast
8)Elixirul vietii de Kenneth Oppel
9)Academia vampirilor de Richelle Mead
10)Initierea de Richelle Mead
11)Banchetul nebunilor de Rachel Caine
12)Elixirul vietii de Kenneth Oppel
12)Experimentul angel de James Patterson
13)Marele Nate. Intaiul intre pusti de Lncoln Pirece
14)Jurnalul unui pusti de Jeff Kinney 
 15) la sfarsit a mai ramas cosmarul de Oliviu Craznic
16)Daca ti-as sune ca te iubesc ar trebui sa te omor de Aly Carter
17)Pe cuvant de spioana de Ally Carter
18)Povestile unei inimi de Diana Florina Cosmin
19) The Crescent by Jordan Deen
20) Acidalia by Khelsey Jackson 
21) Half moon by Jordan Deen
22)A 16-a luna de Kami Garcia si Margaret Stohl 
23)Legaminte de Ally Condie

Lecturi pentru scoala:

1)Baltagul de Mihail Sadoveanu
2)Rosu de rubin de Kerstin Geyr
3)Verde de smarald de Kerstin Gier
4)Cismigiu and Company de Grigore Bajenaru
5)Albastru de safir de Kerstin Gier

CONCLUZIE: Mi-am propus sa citesc 28 de carti, dintre care am citit 27, aceea pe care nu am terminat-o de citit fiind "A-16 a luna" de Kami Garcia si Margaret Stohl. Ei, este bine si 27 de carti, nu? 

 Voi v-ati indeplinit obiectivele?

 Madison Daniel is the author of "Ember". Thank you for the interview and hpe you liked to to it !
1. I know that this is the question that every writer hates, but everyone always asks: How do you get inspired? From where do you get your ideas?

MD: Music is my biggest inspiration. My dreams and wicked imagination are the breeding ground for most of my writing.

2. What did you always want to be? How do you decided to be a writer? At what age do you decided you want to be a writer?

MD: A musician and artist. I sing, I paint, I write. It’s just in my blood. I decided that writing was a profession I’d embrace about 4 years ago.

3. How do you keep on staying motivated? I know that to write a book it’s a really hard work, so how could you continue this work?

MD: The readers and fans have been a fantastic motivation for me. On those days, when the last thing I feel like doing is writing, my stalkers give me strength. :)

4. I know that your books have a great story, so how did you decide that you wanted to write fantasy? When did you begin to write this book? In what year did you begin and how long did this book take to write?

MD: I just write what I feel, whether it is fantasy or romance or horror. Ember was written in the summer of 2008. It took about 3 weeks to finish the first version. It came out of me quickly!

5. Your book has extraordinary characters. Where do you start a book, with plot, characters or dialogue?

MD: I usually write a scene. Something emotional and heavy and then let the story unfold from there. I also design characters on paper, in illustrations and give them full backgrounds and stuff.

6. Where do you write? Do you write with music, or do you have something that help you to have imagination?

MD: I write wherever I can. If an idea hits me, I scribble it down in my notebook I always have with me. Or I type up the idea on my iPad or iPhone. Music is usually around while I do one or the other. Most of the time, music is what has inspired me to write down the newest idea.

7. How was your life at 13 years? Did you keep a diary? It was a special notebook or just an ordinary notebook? You decorated it, or you have draws in it? How was the cover?

MD: 13 was an awkward stage. I had just started writing and singing in a band. I have plenty of old notebooks of song lyrics and comic book ideas. No official diaries though. I like to think that those old songs read like a diary though. :)

8. What books did you read between 12-18 years? What was your favorite?

MD: Sadly, I wasn’t much of a reader until I was 18 or so. I read a handful of sci-fi stories and a couple Stephen King books. He has always been my favorite author.

9. Do you like your new writer life? Is it beautiful, or how much did your life change from the moment you published your books?

MD: Things have been a blast since I published my books. I love it. I have met some amazing people. Found possible life long friends. I wake up everyday ready to face the next challenge. I hope to be published in Romania soon! Fingers crossed!

10. What advice do you have for teen writers?

MD: Read as much as you can. Study your favorite authors, musicians and actors. Write whenever you can. Trust your words and surround yourself with honest, caring people. Avoid the negative ones.

11. When is your birthday? And how old are you?

MD: My birthday is in July, I am a Cancer sign. My age is a secret...for now. Hahaha. :)

12. What is your favorite quote?

MD: Hmmm... “Music is LIFE & the written word is our SOUL.”

Thank you very much for the interview! What message do you have for your fans in Romania?

MD: Thank you!!! This was fun. I hope we can do this again. To all the Romanian readers and people: I LOVE YOU ALL!!! You have been so encouraging and supportive of my writing, I owe you so much. I hope to meet some of you one day on a future, international book tour. Until then...shine on! You rock my world! ~ M

Giveaway scrie pe ele :) Mai adun inca cateva (trebuie sa soseasca)  Thank you very very much Lia! The things are awsome!

 Zilele astea o voi lasa mai moale cu blogul, din privinta scolii. Imi pare rau, dar ma voi limita la 1-2 postari pe zi, pe care le voi face, pe cat posibil, interesante. Sorry!

Pink e cea mai tare Ador melodia asta. Voua va place +nu mai merge semnul de intrebare +

White knuckles and sweaty palms from hanging on too tight
Clench of jaw, I've got another headache again tonight
Eyes on fire, eyes on fire, and the burn from all the tears
I've been crying, I've been crying, I've been dying over you
Tie a knot in the rope, trying to hold, trying to hold,
But there's nothing to grab so I let go

I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of sh-t
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)

Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a sh-t day (no!)
You had a sh-t day (no!), we've had a sh-t day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this
I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this, Blow me on last kiss.

I won't miss all of the fighting that we always did,
Take it in, I mean what I say when I say there is nothing left
I am sick, whiskey-dick, no more battles for me
You'll be calling a trick, cause you'll no longer sleep
I'll dress nice, I'll look good, I'll go dancing alone
I'll laugh, I'll get drunk, I'll take somebody home

I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of sh-t
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)

Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a sh-t day (no!)
You had a sh-t day (no!), we've had a sh-t day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me on last kiss.

I will do what I please, anything that I want
I will breathe, I won't breathe, I won't worry at all
You will pay for your sins, you'll be sorry my dear
All the lies, all the wise, will be crystal clear

I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of sh-t
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)

Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a sh-t day (no!)
You had a sh-t day (no!), we've had a sh-t day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me on last kiss

Blow me on last kiss
Blow me on last kiss

Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a sh-t day (no!)
You had a sh-t day (no!), we've had a sh-t day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me on last kiss…

Of, of, ma opresc din vaitat! Am cusut la fusta, mi-am cumparat caiete, mi-a regasit ghiozdanul, iar acum pornesc sapaturile.Ce caut?

-carnetul de note-vazut ultima data pe 24 iunie 2012
-penarul- regasit la 13 august 2012
-trusa de mate
-O gramada de alte chestii!!!

Plus ca nu mi-am terminat tema la romana!
Scoala asta ma da peste cap...

 Voi? Cum va pregatiti? 

Dragilor, imi pare rau! Postasul a esuat lamentabil. Joi, vineri nu a mai trecut. Avea de adus niste lucrusoare pentru maraton. Ei bine, asta inseamna ca luam o mica pauza. Nu fa ingrijorati! Vom reveni cu maraton, partea a doua, cand se va deranja sa vina :)

 Pana atunci, aveti trei concursuri in desfasurare, pe care le gasiti in bara stanga a blogului. Succes!

 Am primit "Legaminte" spre recenzare de la libraria online Bookcity, careia ii multumesc pentru ocazia de a citi aceasta distopie interesanta si deosebita.

  Primul cuvant care mi-a venit in minte dupa ce am ajuns la capitolul 17 a fost "unicitate". Asa si e. "Legaminte" este plina de aspecte inedite, de detalii nemaintalnite pana acum.
   Cassia are 17 ani. Este emotionata pentru ca trebuie sa-si afle perechea. Surpriza este aceea ca Perechea ei, aleasa de Societate, este chiar Xander, prietenul ei cel mai bun. Am asemanat aceasta carte imediat cu "Jocurile foamei". Este imposibil sa nu remarci aspectele comune dintre ele.
     Dupa acea seara, fiecare primea un microcard ce continea date despre pereche lui. Cassiei ii apare pe microcard chipul lui Ky, un alt baiat de la scoala.

     Oficialitatile o conving repede ca a fost o eroare, ca Ky nu poate fi perechea ei deoarece este o Aberatie. Aberatie. Serios?
      Nu mi-a placut in mod deosebit romanul. Incepe frumos. Mi-a placut inceputul. Continua, pana la pagina 200 lent. I-a lipsit mult actiunea! Cele 200 de pagini sunt umplute de moartea bunicului sau, de temeri si de alte chestii.. Nici scrisul lui Ally nu este fenomenal, asa ca...

     A avut, intr-adevar unicitate si am apreciat. Nu am inteles de ce a insistat atat de mult pe staticitate. Cand am crezut ca ultimele 100 de pagini vor fi pline de actiune, m-am inselat din nou. A avut ceva poezii dragute, dar nu fenomenale. Mi-a displacut instantaneu asemanarea cu "Jocurile Foamei".  Foarte mult. A adaugat acelasi decor cu padurea, actiunea petrecandu-se si acolo. Totusi, sa va spun de ce mi-a dispacut: JF e plina de actiune! Lui "Legaminte" ii lipseste desavarsit actiunea.

     Societatea mi s-a parut teribil de bizara. Tot timpul se baga in vietile oamenilor si aleg pentru ei si asta m-a enervat. Comparata cu "Atingerea lui Juliette", "Jocurile foamei" , "Vampirii sudului" , "Micutele mincinoase" si alte serii mi se pare inferioara "Legaminte". M-am asteptat la ceva super. Am fost, din pacate, dezamagita. Acum nu spun ca voi n-ar trebui sa o cititi! Nu strica nimanui, insa mi-am expus parerea mea dupa ce am terminat-o.  

     Xander, Perechea Cassiei e OK. Nu mi se pare atat de prezent. El e "prietenul cel mai bun care o iubeste, dar ea nu-l iubeste ca iubit" . Ky e dragut, un baiat care a suferit enorm cand si-a pierdut parintii. Autoarea a mai "salvat" din actiune cu schimbul de poezii si mesaje dintre Cassia si Ky. La inceput a mers, apoi m-a plictisit. Cand am ajuns la pagina 251 am zis "Oare are punct culminant"? "Oare are suspans" ? Tindeam spre un: NU gravat.
       Cassia nu mi-a placut in mod deosebit ca personaj. Este atat de retrasa si face absolut tot ce zice societatea. Treptat, mai incalca regulile.

    Coperta din state mi-a placut mult mai mult. Exprima enorm de mult. Nu am simtit dorinta de a afla mai mult despre Ky. Mi-a parut rau de el, insa nu m-am indragostit de el. Daca as fi fost in locul autoarei as fi taiat primele 200 de pagini si as fi rescris povestea mai  antrenant. Mai misterios si cu mult mai mult suspans. Nu spun ca "Raspanditii" nu merita citita. Mi-am pus intrebari, si cred cu siguranta ca in volumul doi voi gasi raspunsurile.

      Pe langa deficitul enorm de actiune, personajele prea putin creionate sau originale, recunosc ca m-a dezamagit. Imi pare rau. Poate altora le-am placut, doar ca eu am facut recenzia din opinia mea si cu parerile si comparatiile si gandurile mele.

 NOTA: 2/5

 A venit toamna. S-o spunem pe bune, pentru ca chiar asta e. Din fericire sau nefericire ne asteapta melanncolica toamna, apoi iarna. Aceste doua sezoane sunt unele dintre preferatele mele. Cand ma gandesc la ele, pur si simplu, imi tresalta inima de nostalgie dupa vremurile alea care au fost si nu mai sunt.

   Odata cu toamna la Leda vor incepe mii de aparitii. Poate am exagerat, nu mii, dar poate cele mai asteptate.

   Eu una nu mai am rabdare la :
-Imoral de Sara Shepard
-Vol 2 din Nasc la miezul noptii
-Doua adevaruri si-o minciuna de S.S
-continuarea de la "Spulbera-ma" -cel mai mult

Voi ce asteptati sa apara?

 Un nou concurs! Acesta este sponsorizat de noul colaborator al blogului, si anume libraria Bookland, careia ii multumesc foarte mult pentru suport si pentru acesta premiu extraordinar. Sa va spun despre premiu:

Este o carte extraordinara, castigatoare a premiului Nobel!

"Pearl S. Buck laureata a Premiului Nobel pentru Literatura in anul 1938.
Jurnalul lui Kwei-lan ne introduce in lumea misterioasa si traditionalista a Chinei la inceputul secolului XX. Este o poveste emotionanta, condusa de o mana sigura, despre tarie de caracter si iubire, despre curaj, tenacitate si responsabilitate, o lupta acerba cu prejudecatile acelor timpuri
  Ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a intra in posesia ei? Dupa cum v-am promis, acest concurs nu va fi cu Rafflecopter.

    Trebuie sa scrieti o povestioara, lunga, scurta, voi alegeti, in care sa vorbiti despre diverse aspecte ale culturii japoneze sau chineze. Nu va speriati! Sa va dau cateva exemple: de pilda despre gheise, sau diverse creatii superbe, o poveste de dragoste, orice creatie, care sa aibe legatura cu Japonia sau China. 

SAU, dupa cum multi mi-au spus ca nu au talent la literatura,

Trebuie sa faceti o fotografie sau un desen care sa aibe legatura cu orice aspect al culturii japoneze sau chineza

 Va rog de asemenea sa lasati un comentariu in care sa-mi spuneti ca v-ati inscris in concurs!
Trimiteti compunerile la

Cea mai frumoasa va fi castigatoarea! - cea care transmite cel mai mult

  Durata concursului:  14 septembrie- 27 septembrie. Castigatorul va fi afisat pe data de 28 septembrie.

now.Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3)"then.

When Sam met Grace, he was a wolf and she was a girl. Eventually he found a way to become a boy, and their loved moved from curious distance to the intense closeness of shared lives.

That should have been the end of their story. But Grace was not meant to stay human. Now she is the wolf. And the wolves of Mercy Falls are about to be kill in one final, spectacular hunt.


Sam would do anything for Grace. But can one boy and one love really change a hostile, predatory world? The past, the present, and the future are about to collide in one pure moment - a moment of death or life, farewell or forever."

  After my birthday or, I don`t know, let`s say at the beginning of November the review for "Forever" will appear on blog. I am soo curious!  I love Grace and Sam, but I want to know too what happened with Isabel and Cole, my favorite couple after Damon and Elena from TVD. Soo curious! I can`t wait!!! 

    Have you readed it yet? Don`t spoiler me, just tell me if you liked it or not :)

    Dupa ziua mea sau, nu stiu, sa spunem la inceputul lunii Noiembrie recenzia pentru cartea "Forever" va aparea pe blog. Sunt asa de curioasa! Ii iubesc pe Grace si Sam, dar vreau sa stiu ce s-a intamplat cu Isabel si Cole, cuplul meu preferat dupa Elena si Damon din TVD. Asa curioasa! Nu pot astepta pana atunci! 

    Voi ati citit-o? Nu-mi spuneti spoilere, doar o impresie generala.

I just love the new song the Shakira and Pitbull have. Do you? "GET IT STARTED"


   Si abia a inceput! Cartile sunt pe drum si abia astapta sa fie puse in concurs! Aceste doua zile au avut concursuri cu rafllecopter, dar asta nu se va mai intampla pentru ca surprizele maine din ce in ce mai mari! :) Doar pentru voi.

Hey! Ce mai faceti? Eu tot caut sa organizez cat mai multe super concursuri pentru voi! Pana acum cum vi se pare?

  Ca veni vorba, ca tot nu am apucat sa vorbesc prea mult despre maraton: el se va derula pana duminica, cand voi posta ultimul concurs-asa e planificat, acum surprizele exista. El consta intr-o saptamana in care puteti castiga carti extraordinare, va puteti distra si primi swag-uri de la multe autoare.

   Acum va intrebam: ce parere aveti despre maraton pana acum, si ce tema ati vrea sa aibe concursul de maine?

Castigatoarea este:  LarisSa LaRi ( Felicitari! Astept adresa ta la in 2 saptamani, cu titlul cartii dorite! 

Acest concurs este sponsorizat de libraria online Libris, dragul nostru sponsor, caruia ii multumim foarte mult. Pe site-ul lor puteti gasi mii de carti, printre care o gama variata de romane si nuvele in limba engleza!

 Dupa cum cred ca stiti, toate concursurile de pana acum Libris au fost de creatie, iar acesta va fi altfel.

  Castigatorul va fi ales prin intermediul rafflecopter  si va primi ca premiu o carte la alegere in valoare de maxim 40 de lei, de pe
   This giveaway is only for Romania residents! But soon the`ll be another one international! 

Castigatorii vor fi afisati pe data de 21 septembrie!Succes!

-la concurs nu pot participa persoane care au bloguri partenere cu Libris -

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Biblioteca mea este umpluta pana la refuz, asa ca am decis sa mai scot cateva carti, pentru ca poate, cine stie, e cineva interesat de ele.

"Portrete" de Daciana Ersze- noua- 15 lei

Bloody valentine de Melissa de la Cruz- noua- 5 lei

Secretul Ariei de Sara Shepard - noua- 5 lei

Aleea intunericului de Rachel Caine - noua - 15 lei

Naluca si naucul de Stacey kade- noua - 15 lei

Ritualul de L.J.Smith(chiosc) - noua - 5 lei
Captiva de L.J.Smith(chiosc) - noua- 5 lei

Pe cuvant de spioana de Allym Carter- noua - 6 lei

Daca ti-as spune ca te iubesc ar trebui sa te omor de Ally Carter - noua-6 lei

Jurnalele lui Stefan- Sete de sange de L.J.Smith- noua- 6 lei

Vremea: la sfarsit a mai ramas cosmarul de Oliviu Craznic- noua- cu auograf, semn de carte si carte de vizita- 15 lei

Alte edituri: 
Cartea secretelor pentru fete - stare buna - 13 lei

Toate preturile sunt negociabile! Taxele de trimitere sunt suportate de catre cumparator!
Contact: sau lasati un comentariu

 I received this book in exchange for a honestly review from Jordan Deen. Thank you, Jordan! This book has been extraordinary, and I`m so happy that I had the beautiful occasion to read it!

"Half moon" I don`t know what to say. At the begginig, I didn`t enjoyed Lacey. She was so petrifed, and unpowerfull and I just didn`t liked it. But, when she takes the problem in her hands...It`s a different story.

  Lacey Quinn, the girl who abandoned her first 17-years-old life, for living with her supposed soul mate, Brandon and the pack, is fighting with the frustration of not been fully-bonded, nor being able to transform. I was as frustratred as Lacey was. I enjoyed how Jordan makes so easy to live with her characters, to love with them and to be like a part of book.

  The main character is feautured at the begginig like in "The crescent", even if it passed six months. I liked that. The people are changing, yes, but I like to see them changing, not to tell me that it passed 1 year(let`s say) and she changed a lot-how I founded in other books.
    Next, she feel trapped in a house in mountains. And...she is. Michael, Brandon`s father and the Alpha, don`t let her in town, nor to spend a little time alone in Brandon. Everyday she has to make her chores, after a sesion with Serena, when she drinks horrible potions that should help her bond with Brandon. She dreamed to have 18 and to live in a beautiful house, run away of her parents and their fights but... not that way!

   There, her best friend is the 12 years-old Lily, who loves playing with Barbie dolls, and who`s mated with Matt, Brandon`s BFF. Lacey`s not happy at all. She begun to hate Brandon- always press her with the bonding and the crescent moon on their hands who`s not grovind anymore, and it`s faded.
    Also, she miss Alex, her first boyfriend. At the beginning I didn`t know what to say. I was thinking: OMG, this book is going to stay right here, in this horrible moment all the time? Yes, I trought that. And I was wrong!

    Alex is coming to visit Lacey in her dreams, like Brandon did. They are verry happy toghether, and I am Team Alex :) . Alex plain to found two very pourfull witches books to help Lacey to be mated with him, and not with Brandon. I enjoyed that point. The retail was quite intresting, and the next is better.
     In the camp nothing`s going well. Everytime Lace is thying to escape there`s a lot of arguing, but something help her a lot. I should say someone: it`s Brea, her guardian! I loved Brea-she`s funny, lovely, a good friend, and she helps a lot. With Catch, her soul mate, they make a perfect couple!

  More, Brea`s getting Lacey to her first home, from where she`s been kindapped, and where she founds her mother`s book.
    That moment was very important. From then, she find a spell that helps her (finnaly) transform.
   Still waiting for Alex to save her, Lace found out in her Ipod a weird flower that cursed here all the time, making her and Brandon not been fully bonded.

    Thant doesn`t means that she can be now fully bonded. It`s still a lot of speaking about. I really enjoyed how Jordan combines the witchery with all werewolf mysteryes. I enjoyed the character too, but I focused on Brandon, Lacey, Brea and sometimes Lily. More(again this word ! ) Matt is kidnapped. Lily is destroyed and cryies all the times.

   Okay, so now you know the plot. It`s a lot more complicated and I loved that. This story begun quite classy but she`s more than that. It`s  about true love, witchery, secrets, destiny and have a lot suspence and fantasy. You have to read-it! You have to fall for Brandon or for Alex, or both.  You have to know Lily and Brea!

     The book is wrote in an easy english, and it was cool! The suspence was more than good. I wanted Alex to be more present. I wanted to know more about Lacey`s parents, but I guess that this subjects are keept for " Full moon", the final book. What can I say without spoilering?
      "Half moon" is bettter than "The Crescent". It has a lot more actions, suspence and lovely characters. Even if Lacey`s parents or her ex-BFF isn`t present it`s good.

       The first chapters I almost hated Bradon. He seemed for me such an evil character!
       I saw also evolution-Lacey is more brave, more lovely and she makes more sacrifices!
        One more thing: I recommend you this one!


Dupa cum v-am spus in recenzia de ieri, ca aceasta carte chiar merita, nu doar dupa felul foarte frumos de a scrie al Dianei, dar si pentru continut, am decis sa va arat cateva poze cu imaginile pe care le veti gasi in interiorul cartii:

Imaginea asta ilustreaza unul dintre capitolele mmele preferate, si anume acela in care este descrisa viata femeilor din trecut, si cate greutati intampinau ele in gasirea dragostei adevarate, comparativ cu miile de posibilitati pe care le avem in ziua de azi. Ele se "luptau" sa intre intr-un corset minuscul, sa poarte pe ele rochii imense, in vreme ce noi avem libertatea de a ne imbraca, si in plus mai se confruntau si cu casatorii aranjate.
  Totusi, ele reuseau tot ceea ce isi propuneau in materie de casatorie si indragostit.

Asta este un alt capitol extraordinar. Cu totii ne confruntam cu teama de a afla gandurile celor din jurul nostru si de a descoperi ca einu au o parerea atat de draguta despre noi, nu? Sau ne e teama sa ne marturisim iubire de frica "facutului de ras"? Da, se abordeaza si subiectul asta. Diana se decide sa poarte importrva acestei temeri o pereche de urechi de iepure. Pentru a afla daca reuseste ce isi propune, ei bine, va trebui sa citi voi singur capitolul :)

    De altfel, trailer-ul cartii mi s-a parut super reusit!

Si inca ceva. Nu am putut rezista sa pun doua poze, in care sunt asemanati potentialii iubiti ai Dianei:

1.      I know that this is the question that every writer hates, but everyone always asks: How do you get inspired? From where do you get your ideas?

Most of the time, it’s just something small that sparks an idea. With DUALED, it was a question my son asked about twins that got me thinking.

2.      What did you always want to be? How do you decided to be a writer? At what age do you decided you want to be a writer?

As a kid, I always wanted to be a writer when I grew up. But then I didn’t think it was possible so I just forgot about it. But I started writing seriously a few years ago when I had some time, and am so glad I did!

3.      How do you keep on staying motivated? I know that to write a book it`s a really hard work,so how could you continue this work?

It really is just a matter of powering through it. Some days are harder than others, but you just need to work through those until you get to a day when the words come easier. And you have to really want it, you know? Ask yourself what your goals are. No one else is going to make them happen except for you.

4.      I know that you books have a great story, so how do you decided you want to write fantasy? When did you begun to write this book? In what year did you begun and how long this book take to be write

I didn’t really set out to write a dystopian—it’s just what DUALED ended up being. I wrote it in the fall of 2010, and I finished the first draft in 5 weeks. But then came months of revisions, so in the end, from start to finish, it probably took just as long as most books.

5.      Your book have extraordinary characters. Where do you start a book, with plot, characters or dialogue?

I usually start with a plot. Then I think of characters, and then dialogue.

6.      Where do you write? Do you write with music, or do you have something that help you to have imagination?

I write at home. I don’t think I could get anything done at a café or anyplace like that, as I’m very much a creature of habit. I need my music, my tea, the familiar things around me to get me into that mindset of producing words.

7.      How was your life as teenager? Did you keep a diary? It was a special notebook or just an ordinary notebook? You decorated it, or you have draws in it? How was the cover?

I can’t really remember if I was 13, but I know I had a diary at some point as a teenager. I didn’t decorate it, though. I think I wanted it to look as boring as possible so no one else would be tempted to look at it. 

8.      What books did you read between 12-18 years? What was your favorite?

I read a lot of Stephen King as a teen. And I think I read lots of those Harlequin romances, too. I know, different ends of the scale!

9.      Do you like your new writer life? Is it beautiful, or how much did your life changed from the moment you published your books?

I love it, all of it. There’s down parts to it, too, of course. But they only make the good parts that much better. I’m still not published, but I’m enjoying every moment leading up to that point!

10.  What advice do you have for teen writers?

Keep writing, keep reading, and always remember that everything’s possible and nothing’s impossible.

11.  When is your birthday? And how old are you?)

Let’s just say I’m a Taurus, and some days I feel younger than I am, and on other days much older!

12.  What is your favorite quote?

Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as though you’ll die today!

Thank you very much, you are incredible! What message do you have for your fans from Romania? Thank you so much for your excitement for DUALED! I hope you guys get to read it soon, and that you all love it!

  The winners are:

Melissa Dennis - won prize 5 -
Hanganu Bianca - won prize 4 - 
JustLaugh - won prize 3 -
Law- won prize 2 - 
Brici Veronica - won prize 1-

Send me your adress at and I`ll send you the prize!

OK, so the giveaway marathon just begun! It`s about many prizes, a lot of fun and many winners! It`s international. Good Luck!

OK, deci maratonul de concursuri a inceput mai devreme! Acesta este plin de swag-uri din toata lumea.

The prizes/Premiile: 

Prize numer 5:

Prize number 4:

Prize numer 3

 Prize number 2:

Prize number 1:

OK, so those are the prizes. Excited? For winning one of those all you have to do is to complete this Rafflecoper and come on 20 september to see the winners! GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And thank you! "You" are all the kind and sweet authors who made this giveaway possible! You rules!