I received this book in exchange for a honestly review from Jordan Deen. Thank you, Jordan! This book has been extraordinary, and I`m so happy that I had the beautiful occasion to read it!

"Half moon" was...wow. I don`t know what to say. At the begginig, I didn`t enjoyed Lacey. She was so petrifed, and unpowerfull and I just didn`t liked it. But, when she takes the problem in her hands...It`s a different story.

  Lacey Quinn, the girl who abandoned her first 17-years-old life, for living with her supposed soul mate, Brandon and the pack, is fighting with the frustration of not been fully-bonded, nor being able to transform. I was as frustratred as Lacey was. I enjoyed how Jordan makes so easy to live with her characters, to love with them and to be like a part of book.

  The main character is feautured at the begginig like in "The crescent", even if it passed six months. I liked that. The people are changing, yes, but I like to see them changing, not to tell me that it passed 1 year(let`s say) and she changed a lot-how I founded in other books.
    Next, she feel trapped in a house in mountains. And...she is. Michael, Brandon`s father and the Alpha, don`t let her in town, nor to spend a little time alone in Brandon. Everyday she has to make her chores, after a sesion with Serena, when she drinks horrible potions that should help her bond with Brandon. She dreamed to have 18 and to live in a beautiful house, run away of her parents and their fights but... not that way!

   There, her best friend is the 12 years-old Lily, who loves playing with Barbie dolls, and who`s mated with Matt, Brandon`s BFF. Lacey`s not happy at all. She begun to hate Brandon- always press her with the bonding and the crescent moon on their hands who`s not grovind anymore, and it`s faded.
    Also, she miss Alex, her first boyfriend. At the beginning I didn`t know what to say. I was thinking: OMG, this book is going to stay right here, in this horrible moment all the time? Yes, I trought that. And I was wrong!

    Alex is coming to visit Lacey in her dreams, like Brandon did. They are verry happy toghether, and I am Team Alex :) . Alex plain to found two very pourfull witches books to help Lacey to be mated with him, and not with Brandon. I enjoyed that point. The retail was quite intresting, and the next is better.
     In the camp nothing`s going well. Everytime Lace is thying to escape there`s a lot of arguing, but something help her a lot. I should say someone: it`s Brea, her guardian! I loved Brea-she`s funny, lovely, a good friend, and she helps a lot. With Catch, her soul mate, they make a perfect couple!

  More, Brea`s getting Lacey to her first home, from where she`s been kindapped, and where she founds her mother`s book.
    That moment was very important. From then, she find a spell that helps her (finnaly) transform.
   Still waiting for Alex to save her, Lace found out in her Ipod a weird flower that cursed here all the time, making her and Brandon not been fully bonded.

    Thant doesn`t means that she can be now fully bonded. It`s still a lot of speaking about. I really enjoyed how Jordan combines the witchery with all werewolf mysteryes. I enjoyed the character too, but I focused on Brandon, Lacey, Brea and sometimes Lily. More(again this word ! ) Matt is kidnapped. Lily is destroyed and cryies all the times.

   Okay, so now you know the plot. It`s a lot more complicated and I loved that. This story begun quite classy but she`s more than that. It`s  about true love, witchery, secrets, destiny and have a lot suspence and fantasy. You have to read-it! You have to fall for Brandon or for Alex, or both.  You have to know Lily and Brea!

     The book is wrote in an easy english, and it was cool! The suspence was more than good. I wanted Alex to be more present. I wanted to know more about Lacey`s parents, but I guess that this subjects are keept for " Full moon", the final book. What can I say without spoilering?
      "Half moon" is bettter than "The Crescent". It has a lot more actions, suspence and lovely characters. Even if Lacey`s parents or her ex-BFF isn`t present it`s good.

       The first chapters I almost hated Bradon. He seemed for me such an evil character!
       I saw also evolution-Lacey is more brave, more lovely and she makes more sacrifices!
        One more thing: I recommend you this one!


Dupa cum v-am spus in recenzia de ieri, ca aceasta carte chiar merita, nu doar dupa felul foarte frumos de a scrie al Dianei, dar si pentru continut, am decis sa va arat cateva poze cu imaginile pe care le veti gasi in interiorul cartii:

Imaginea asta ilustreaza unul dintre capitolele mmele preferate, si anume acela in care este descrisa viata femeilor din trecut, si cate greutati intampinau ele in gasirea dragostei adevarate, comparativ cu miile de posibilitati pe care le avem in ziua de azi. Ele se "luptau" sa intre intr-un corset minuscul, sa poarte pe ele rochii imense, in vreme ce noi avem libertatea de a ne imbraca, si in plus mai se confruntau si cu casatorii aranjate.
  Totusi, ele reuseau tot ceea ce isi propuneau in materie de casatorie si indragostit.

Asta este un alt capitol extraordinar. Cu totii ne confruntam cu teama de a afla gandurile celor din jurul nostru si de a descoperi ca einu au o parerea atat de draguta despre noi, nu? Sau ne e teama sa ne marturisim iubire de frica "facutului de ras"? Da, se abordeaza si subiectul asta. Diana se decide sa poarte importrva acestei temeri o pereche de urechi de iepure. Pentru a afla daca reuseste ce isi propune, ei bine, va trebui sa citi voi singur capitolul :)

    De altfel, trailer-ul cartii mi s-a parut super reusit!

Si inca ceva. Nu am putut rezista sa pun doua poze, in care sunt asemanati potentialii iubiti ai Dianei:

1.      I know that this is the question that every writer hates, but everyone always asks: How do you get inspired? From where do you get your ideas?

Most of the time, it’s just something small that sparks an idea. With DUALED, it was a question my son asked about twins that got me thinking.

2.      What did you always want to be? How do you decided to be a writer? At what age do you decided you want to be a writer?

As a kid, I always wanted to be a writer when I grew up. But then I didn’t think it was possible so I just forgot about it. But I started writing seriously a few years ago when I had some time, and am so glad I did!

3.      How do you keep on staying motivated? I know that to write a book it`s a really hard work,so how could you continue this work?

It really is just a matter of powering through it. Some days are harder than others, but you just need to work through those until you get to a day when the words come easier. And you have to really want it, you know? Ask yourself what your goals are. No one else is going to make them happen except for you.

4.      I know that you books have a great story, so how do you decided you want to write fantasy? When did you begun to write this book? In what year did you begun and how long this book take to be write

I didn’t really set out to write a dystopian—it’s just what DUALED ended up being. I wrote it in the fall of 2010, and I finished the first draft in 5 weeks. But then came months of revisions, so in the end, from start to finish, it probably took just as long as most books.

5.      Your book have extraordinary characters. Where do you start a book, with plot, characters or dialogue?

I usually start with a plot. Then I think of characters, and then dialogue.

6.      Where do you write? Do you write with music, or do you have something that help you to have imagination?

I write at home. I don’t think I could get anything done at a café or anyplace like that, as I’m very much a creature of habit. I need my music, my tea, the familiar things around me to get me into that mindset of producing words.

7.      How was your life as teenager? Did you keep a diary? It was a special notebook or just an ordinary notebook? You decorated it, or you have draws in it? How was the cover?

I can’t really remember if I was 13, but I know I had a diary at some point as a teenager. I didn’t decorate it, though. I think I wanted it to look as boring as possible so no one else would be tempted to look at it. 

8.      What books did you read between 12-18 years? What was your favorite?

I read a lot of Stephen King as a teen. And I think I read lots of those Harlequin romances, too. I know, different ends of the scale!

9.      Do you like your new writer life? Is it beautiful, or how much did your life changed from the moment you published your books?

I love it, all of it. There’s down parts to it, too, of course. But they only make the good parts that much better. I’m still not published, but I’m enjoying every moment leading up to that point!

10.  What advice do you have for teen writers?

Keep writing, keep reading, and always remember that everything’s possible and nothing’s impossible.

11.  When is your birthday? And how old are you?)

Let’s just say I’m a Taurus, and some days I feel younger than I am, and on other days much older!

12.  What is your favorite quote?

Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as though you’ll die today!

Thank you very much, you are incredible! What message do you have for your fans from Romania? Thank you so much for your excitement for DUALED! I hope you guys get to read it soon, and that you all love it!

  The winners are:

Melissa Dennis - won prize 5 -
Hanganu Bianca - won prize 4 - 
JustLaugh - won prize 3 -
Law- won prize 2 - 
Brici Veronica - won prize 1-

Send me your adress at madison97madi@yahoo.com and I`ll send you the prize!

OK, so the giveaway marathon just begun! It`s about many prizes, a lot of fun and many winners! It`s international. Good Luck!

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The prizes/Premiile: 

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And thank you! "You" are all the kind and sweet authors who made this giveaway possible! You rules!