Dragilor, cred ca acum va ganditi ca v-am parasit de tot. Am observat ca la concurs v-ati inscris foarte putini! Ce s-a intamplat? Nu va prinde tema? Puteti sa-mi spuneti, ca nu ma supar! Sau v-a dat atat de mult de gandit incat nu va puteti alege cuvintele ? :)
Trecand peste asta, scoala mi-a acaparat mai mult de 85% din program. Si OMG, am scapat de teza la istorie. Eman fericire ca am scapat de ea, insa nu stiu ce nota am luat si sunt ceva gen "Oare ce-am facut ???Aghhhhhh "
Joooooi am fost de serviciu pe scoala. LOL. Am facut contrabanda cu cola si popcorn, cu toate ca dieta mea s-a dus de rapa, am zis "Zau? O data pe an esti de serviciu ? ! ?" Am fost cu foi peste tot, am inghetat. Era atat de friiig ! Cum ne-am incalzit ? Eu si cu colega mea am jucat prinselea pe coco. Zici ca eram copii mici, dar a functionat. Nu mai inghetam pentru 10 minute. Si sa vezi cand esti cat pe ce sa fi prins de directa ca fugi ca disperatu' sa nu te prinda, sau de diriga. :) Apoi, intru eu intr-o clasa care urma sa aibe ora cu directa. Ma trimite ea (directa) sa-l chem pe unu Florin sa vina sa-i dea raportul daca ei urla in halul asta (nu de alta, da langa ei era o clasa de boboci care sunt cam galagiosi).
Si cum spuneam, intru eu acolo, deschid usa (iti dai seama ca nu bat, ca doar nu era profesor) si raman o clipa in cadrul usii. Copii, ce sa zici, de una de alta, se ridica repede si incep cu "Bunnaaaaa ziiiiiiuuuuaaa " -care apropo, se aude oribil, zici ca ai baut la greu - si dupaia ma vad pe mine. Ahh, pacaleala. Apoi le dau eu vestea tipand in galagia aia cat puteam "-CARE E FLORRIIIIIN ????". Nu ma aude nimeni. Mai incerc. Nimic. Atunci spun "Il cheama directoarea!" Tacere. Silence. Pana la urma l-am gasit pe inculpat, care fuge cat il tin picioarele pentru a "raporta" ca clasa lor este cea mai cuminte si ca cei de alaturi au probleme comportamentale.
Misiune incheiata. In decursul zilei l-am vazut pe Will. Love :)
Vineri seara a fost mult mai tare. Ce sa zic, pastrez povestea asta pentru samabata viitoare. SI JOI am teza la mate . Aghhhhhhh oribil.
OMG, am descoperit de curand melodia asta. Genialaaaa ! Voi o stiati?
It's taking you too long to decide
And I don't want to be the one, the one
Crying over wasted time
If you think you're strong enough to let me in
Then come on, stand up and be honest, be honest
I'm tired of feeling so alone
Cause you won't let me understand
I don't wanna pretend, I wanna feel, I want to love
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Whenever you're around, I can't fight it
You get under my skin the way that I like it
And I can't take anymore
Tell me what you want from me or leave me alone
'Cause I'm all caught up and I'm losing control
I'm tired of holding on so tight
When you won't let me understand
Now I'm falling apart
I never meant to lose myself
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Like drops of rain against my heart
Cut through like silver
And I want to make you feel that way
And I want to make you feel the way that I do
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real?
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real
It's taking you too long to decide
And I don't want to be the one, the one
Crying over wasted time
If you think you're strong enough to let me in
Then come on, stand up and be honest, be honest
I'm tired of feeling so alone
Cause you won't let me understand
I don't wanna pretend, I wanna feel, I want to love
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Whenever you're around, I can't fight it
You get under my skin the way that I like it
And I can't take anymore
Tell me what you want from me or leave me alone
'Cause I'm all caught up and I'm losing control
I'm tired of holding on so tight
When you won't let me understand
Now I'm falling apart
I never meant to lose myself
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Like drops of rain against my heart
Cut through like silver
And I want to make you feel that way
And I want to make you feel the way that I do
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real?
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
It's taking you too long to decide
And I don't want to be the one, the one
Crying over wasted time
If you think you're strong enough to let me in
Then come on, stand up and be honest, be honest
I'm tired of feeling so alone
Cause you won't let me understand
I don't wanna pretend, I wanna feel, I want to love
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Whenever you're around, I can't fight it
You get under my skin the way that I like it
And I can't take anymore
Tell me what you want from me or leave me alone
'Cause I'm all caught up and I'm losing control
I'm tired of holding on so tight
When you won't let me understand
Now I'm falling apart
I never meant to lose myself
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Like drops of rain against my heart
Cut through like silver
And I want to make you feel that way
And I want to make you feel the way that I do
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real?
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
It's taking you too long to decide
And I don't want to be the one, the one
Crying over wasted time
If you think you're strong enough to let me in
Then come on, stand up and be honest, be honest
I'm tired of feeling so alone
Cause you won't let me understand
I don't wanna pretend, I wanna feel, I want to love
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Whenever you're around, I can't fight it
You get under my skin the way that I like it
And I can't take anymore
Tell me what you want from me or leave me alone
'Cause I'm all caught up and I'm losing control
I'm tired of holding on so tight
When you won't let me understand
Now I'm falling apart
I never meant to lose myself
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Like drops of rain against my heart
Cut through like silver
And I want to make you feel that way
And I want to make you feel the way that I do
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real?
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
It's taking you too long to decide
And I don't want to be the one, the one
Crying over wasted time
If you think you're strong enough to let me in
Then come on, stand up and be honest, be honest
I'm tired of feeling so alone
Cause you won't let me understand
I don't wanna pretend, I wanna feel, I want to love
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Whenever you're around, I can't fight it
You get under my skin the way that I like it
And I can't take anymore
Tell me what you want from me or leave me alone
'Cause I'm all caught up and I'm losing control
I'm tired of holding on so tight
When you won't let me understand
Now I'm falling apart
I never meant to lose myself
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?
Like drops of rain against my heart
Cut through like silver
And I want to make you feel that way
And I want to make you feel the way that I do
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real?
Say you will or say you won't
Open your heart to me
Now or never, tell the truth
Is this real, is this real?