1.Whem did you became to write, and when did you decide you want to be writer?How did you found the literature?  I've been writing since I was very little.  Stories, poems, songs, etc.  I think I became a writer primarily because I loved (and still love) reading so much.  I would read a great book and it would stay with me and then I would think, "I want to be able to have that effect on someone else, someday, too."

I.Cand ai inceput sa scrii, si cand te-ai decis ca vrei sa fi scriitoare?Cum ai gasit literatura?

R: Am inceput sa scriu de cand am fost foarte mica. Povesti, poeme,cantece, etc.Cred ca am devenit scriiroare mai intai pentru ca am iubit, si inca iubesc sa citesc atat de mult.

 I know that this is the question that every writer hates, but everyone always asks: How do you get inspired?From where do you get your ideeas?  I always start with a character first rather than a plot.  Somehow the character's voice just starts coming into my head, telling me who she is and what she most wants and then I go from there.

I:Stiu ca asta e intrebarea pe care fiecare scriitor o urmaste,dar toata lumea intreaba mereu:Cum te inspiri?De unde iti iei ideile?

R:Intotdeauna incep cu un personaj, mai bine decat cu actiunea.Cumva, vocea personajului doar incepe sa-mi vina in minte, spunandu-mi ca ea este si ce vrea cel mai mult si pornesc de acolo.

3,How do you keep on staying motivated?I know that to write a book it`s a really hard work,so how could you continue this work?  When I'm working on a project, I set myself a word count every time I write--it's much more inspiring than a page count!  Words go by so much faster!  I keep asking myself "what if"  as in "what if this happens next" and so I then want to keep writing to find out!

I :Cum ai continuat sa scrii?Stiu ca pentru a scrie o carte este nevoie de foarte multa muca, asadar, cum ai ramas motivata?

R:Cand lucrez la un proiect, am stabilit ca fiecare cuvant scris de mine conta-este mai inspirant decat numarul de pagini!Cu cuvintele merge mult mai repede! Conctinui sa ma intreb  "daca" si "ce se intampla mai departe" si astfel vreau sa scriu mai departe pentru a afla. 

 4,How did you found the subject for Once a witch?  Once a Witch started because I was running one day and I passed a beautiful house with a little stone gargoyle out front.  I started to think about what stories this little stone gargoyle might tell if only he could talk.  Then I thought about how cool it would be if a character had a magical gift of being able to bring stone statues to life to speak and then I started thinking about a character who didn't have any magical powers whatsoever, but should have had them.  And that's how I first started hearing Tamsin's story in my head.

I:Cum ai gasit subiectul pentru Once a witch?

R:Once a witch a inceput pentru ca, intr-o zi cand alergam, am trecut pe langa o casta cu o mica gargoyle in fata. Am inceput sa ma gandesc la povestioare ca piatra gargoyle ar putea vorbi.Apoi m-amgandit la cat de coolar fi daca un personaj ar avea un dar magic sau ar fi capabil sa aduca statui la viata si apoi am inceput sa ma gandesc la un personaj care nu ar avea nicio putere magica,dar ar trebui sa aiba.Si astfel am inceput povestea lui Tamsin in capul meu.

6.Where do you write?Do you write with music, or do you have something that help you to have imagination?Do you write in a special notebook?If not, in what?  I usually like to write outside my home, in a cafe perhaps.  If I write at home I'm too easily distracted; laundry to do, cookies to bake, you name it and I'll do anything to avoid working!

I:Unde scrii?Scrii cu muzica, sau ai ceva care te ajuta sa ai imaginatie? Scrii intr-un caiet special, daca nu, in ce?

R:De obicei scriu in afara casei, intr-o cafenea probabil.Daca scriu acasa sunt prea usor distrasa: rufe de spalat, prajituri de copt, tu spui, si as face orice sa abandonez muca!

7How was your life at 13 years old?Did you kept a diary?It was a special notebook or just an ordinary notebook?You decorated it, or you have draws in it?  I did keep a diary at age 13 and I wish I still had it!  It was always a beautiful book--I spent a long time in the stores choosing them carefully.

I:Cum era viata ta la 13 ani?Tineai un jurnal?Era o agenda deosebita?

R:Tineam la 13 ani un jurnal si inca imi doresc sa il am! Era o agenda frumoasa-am petrecut mult timp in magazine,alegandu-l cu grija. 

8.What advice do you have for teen writers?  Read!  Read everything.  It's the best way to learn how to become a better writer.  Look at how the authors put together stories, reveal their characters, etc.

I:Ce sfat ai pentru tinerii scriitori?

R:Cititi\!Cititi orice. Este cea mai buna metoda de a invata cum sa devii scriitor. Uita-te cum scriitorii pun impreuna povesti,construiesc personajele, etc.

 9..What is your favorite quote?  Inspiration far more often comes during the work than before it.  Madeline L'Engle.  I also like  Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” Lloyd Alexander.

 I:Care este proverbul tau preferat?

R:"Inspiratia vine adesea la locul de munca,decat inainte"-Madeline L`Engle. Imi place de asemenea: "Fictiunea este mai degraba un mod de evadare din realitate.Este un mod de a o intelege."-Lloyd Alexander.

10.When is your birthday? And how old are you?  October 1st, 1975.  I'm 36.

I:Cand este ziua ta?Ce varsta ai?

R:1 octombrie 1975-am 36 de ani.

.How many time do you spend by day writing?When you create a character, do you make a draw with it, or how do you decide how is he?  I like to do character profile questions--those help a lot!  Currently, I'm not spending too much time writing--I'm also a full time stay at home mother of a 2 and a half year old and a one year old!  I've got my hands full!

I:Cat de mult timp petreci pe zi scriind?Cand construiesti un personaj, faci un desen cu el, sau cum decizi cum este el?

R:Imi place sa pun intrebari de profil-acestea ajuta o gramada.Momentan, nu petrec prea mult timp scriind deoarece sunt de asemenea o mama a doi copii:unul de 2 ani si jumatate si celalalt de un an. Am mainile ocupate!

When you were a beginner in this work, how do you handle, and when yo have no inspiration, what did you do?  When you get stuck wherever you are in the story--always ask yourself what does your main character want most and what is she doing to try and get it.  What obstacles can you throw in her path?

I:Cand erai incepatoare in munca asta, cum te-ai descurcat. si cand nu aveai inspiratie ce ai facut?

R:Cand est blocat in poveste intreaba intotdeauna ce vrea cel mai mult personajul tau principal si daca incearca sa-l obtina.Ce obstacole  poti arunca in calea ei?

 Thank you very much, you are incredible! What message do you have for your fans from Romania?  

Come visit my website www.onceawitch.com and I always love hearing from readers!

3 comentarii:

Ce tare! <3 Imi plac mult raspunsurile ei:).


Si mie, ma bucur mult ca mi-a raspuns!!!

imi place foarte mult coperta once a witch, sper sa fie si la noi publicata cu aceeasi coperta, este superba