"Altfel de ingeri" a fost prima carte citita pe noul meu Kindle :) A fost geniala. Dru Anderson este o fata de saisprezece ani, care impreuna cu tatal ei vaneaza creaturi supranaturale. Ei vin in Dakota, un taram al zapezii(cel putin in carte) . Tatal lui Dru nu o ia in ultma lui misiune, si el intarzie destul de mult. Ingrijorarile lui Dru sunt sustinute de prezenta bufnitei cu penaj alb, ochi negrii, mari, sinistrii, poreclita "bufnita bunicii" care mereu ii aducea vesti proaste.Faza e ca tatal sau revine pana la urma...insa este zombi. Rolul lui este unul infiorator, iar protagnista este nevoita sa il ucida.

  A fost un moment destul de dureros, insa in continuare, Dru constata ca a ramas singura. Cand avea cinci ani mama ei a fost ucisa, acum tatal ei nu mai e, si la doisprezece ani i-a decedat bunica. Singura-singurica, ea se imprieteneste cu Graves, un tip goth, de culoare, care poate la inceput pare mai scortos insa are un suflet de aur. Stiind ca nu poate sa se intoarca acasa, de teama de a fi atacata din nou, Dru ajunge sa doarma in casa improvizata a lui Graves, si anume intr-o anexa din mall. O asemanare dintre Dru si Graves este aceea ca niciunul nu mai are familie. Treptat, Dru se indragosteste de baiat, insa asta e partea a doua.

    Lili St. Crow se pricepe foarte bine la suspans. M-a tinut ca pe ace, si cand erau atacuri de ale varcolacilor, sau mai stiu eu de-ale cui eram super-tensionata. Deci la asta, puncte in plus. Altceva, ce nu mi-a placut a fost descrierea cadrului. Nu am reusit sa-mi imaginez pe cat de bine as fi vrut decorul, background-ul. La sentimente a fost bine. S-au repetat uneori aceleasi sentimente, acelasi trairi, insa nu a devenit ridicol de agasant. Doar putin :) Trecem cu vederea, ca nu e un aspect chiar atat de important.

     In mall Dru si Graves sunt atacati de un caine in flacari si de un varcolac. Bine. Aici m-a cam dezamagit. Ce treaba au unul cu celalalt. Si pe bune, caine de marimea unui ponei in flacari? Asta nu e o idee chiar atat de buna. Au fost cateva pasaje mai plictisitoare, dar ce sa zic, nimeni nu-i perfect, nu?
      Introducerea unui nou personaj, Christian, un dhampir ( jumatate vampir, vanator de vampiri, nascut din mama om si tata vampir) a fost destul de in regula. Prevad ca va deveni un triunghi amoros. Nu prea m-am dat in vant dupa partea cu aflarea identitatii adevarate a protagonistei, ce fel de fiinta e ea, cat de unica si bla-bla-bla e. Am intalnit asta atat de des, incat devine un super cliseu. Pe bune, mai schimbati placa cu autocunoasterea, ca m-am saturat sa o tot ascult!

    Dru a fost in regula ca personaj. Nu mi s-a parut ea complexa, insa ironia gandurilor si a replicilor ei, dar si a trairilor mi-au placut. A fost cam nechibzuita in anumite cazuri, parca pre repezita, dar tot fata si adolescenta ramane, asa ca are motive. Nu am spus om pentru ca nu prea e om. Ei, aflati voi. Vremea cu zapada mia transmis o stare cotidiana, avand in vedere ca afara este foarte frig(dar inca nu ninge, si nu cred ca mai e mult, cu toate ca e inceput de noiembrie) .

    Christian mi s-a parut prea misterios. Mi-ar fi placut sa se axeze mai mult pe portretul lui moral, pentru ca nu am avut o imagine clara asupra lui. Graves pare necunoscutul care te ajuta la nevoie, stiti? Persoana aia buna care te ajuta cand tu nu sti ca exista. Eu inca raman putin sceptica in cazul lui, daca imi dati voie...

Per total, "Altfel de ingeri" a fost o lectura buna, si tocmai de aceea primeste de la mine un 4/5 !

 Am ales castigatoarea, si aceea este Andreea Florentina ! Felicitari! Astept datele tale la adresa de mail: madison97madi@yahoo.com in termen de 7 zile! Ai castigat o copie semnata (paperback) a cartii "The hallowed ones" de Laura Bickle. 

Melodia asta noua a lui Will I Am e super tare! Voua nu va place?

In sfarsit a venit si ziua mea de nastere! Just happy!

Am primit un Kindle. Yay! Imi pare rau ca frecventa la blog a scazut, insa revin in forta cnd prind vreo ocazie !

I've got this book from Laura Bickle in exhange for a honestly review. Thank you very, very much! This story was really awsome.

  I must begun saying that the cover si a perfect combination with the plot. The girl with brown hair is Katie. She's on the verge of her Rumspringa, and that means that she can go Outside for while and decide if she wants to be baptized and live with plain folks or she'll live Outside.

   Plain folk is  a community, where Katie and her best friend, Elijah are living. I saw that Elijah's in love for K, but she doesn't really want to marry him or to be his girlfriend.

     At the beginning, everything seems OK, normal. Execpt maybe the ravens. But...Elijah's brothers, who're Outside are missing. And something happened. Something big. Why? Because everyone's missing from the Outside community. Just blood and creepy creatures. At start  I thought that the booko was about aliens. And that was kinda weird. When I founded out that's about vampires, I calmed down. There are no roomantic, beautiful vampires. Just evil. And this was different from other stories, and I enjoyed that. More, I was so scared during this book!  The vamps were really creepy.

     I didn't enjoyed by the book the missing of many descriptions. It's ok to have a book with a lot of action and to not bore the reader with description, but at leas two phrases, I need to know what's around the characters. The dialogues were good. Plain folks belive in God, and sometimes it was a bit to much faith. I mean, it's ok to belive in God, but sometimes it was to much. More, the contrast between light (God) and dark (vampires) was incredible.

     Ok, so next, the Bishop and the Elders announce that nowone's inside and no one's outside the gate. Me, I hated Bishop and the Elders. Such evil creatures, who are loving their powers, and don't care of others safety.
       Katie finds, that day, an Outsider, near the gate, who's hurt. The Elders wanted to kill hin, but Katie's pleases convince them to let him die by himself. Katie have a really big soul. She takes the boy and take care of him. Alex was his hame. I loved Alex. He was my favorite character. Lovely, brave and a good boy :)

         The story continues with Katie's fear for the vampires. OK, this proposition was completly wrong. If I ever met a brave character, the one is Katie! She's just so brave ! With the Hexenmeister's help(a witcher) she have at leat a chace to fight with with the vampires. First, she thinks that they weren't attacked because they have a sacred territory, but when the girl that she can't suffer inivite in the vamps... Elijah begun being a good friend, but he's turning into a bad one.

          If everyone will found out about Alex, and more about Katie's crush on him, and if the vampires will destroy everiything...well you'll find out by yourself reading this amaizing book! 

      I didn't enjoy the words in Germain. I don't know that language, so I didn't uderstood anything.

       I liked the character's evolution. And the suspence. It was full of suspence. Don't miss this book! You can't let it from your hand, really!

I'll give a four by five! 4/5

 Parca am uitat sa postez in rubrica asta! Sincera sa fiu, in ultima vreme nu am mai primit mare lucru, insa uitati ce mi-a sosit azi:

Thank you very very much, Louise! It means a lot for me! Thanks Kensington Books too!

Voi ce ati mai primit? Eu maine o sa postez recenzia la "The hallowed ones" de Lexi George - genialaaa cartea :)

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole introduces The Arcana Chronicles, post-apocalyptic tales filled with riveting action, the dark mysticism of Tarot cards, and breathtaking romance.

She could save the world—or destroy it.

Sixteen year old Evangeline “Evie” Greene leads a charmed life, until she begins experiencing horrifying hallucinations. When an apocalyptic event decimates her Louisiana hometown, Evie realizes her hallucinations were actually visions of the future—and they’re still happening. Fighting for her life and desperate for answers, she must turn to her wrong-side-of-the-bayou classmate: Jack Deveaux.

But she can’t do either alone.

With his mile-long rap sheet, wicked grin, and bad attitude, Jack is like no boy Evie has ever known. Even though he once scorned her and everything she represented, he agrees to protect Evie on her quest. She knows she can’t totally depend on Jack. If he ever cast that wicked grin her way, could she possibly resist him?

Who can Evie trust?

As Jack and Evie race to find the source of her visions, they meet others who have gotten the same call. An ancient prophesy is being played out, and Evie is not the only one with special powers. A group of twenty-two teens has been chosen to reenact the ultimate battle between good and evil. But it’s not always clear who is on which side…

 Recunosc ca frecventa postarilor a mai scazut, si pentru asta imi cer scuze, insa din pacate timpul imi este mai mult decat limitat. Incerc, pe cat posibil, sa imi fac timp si pentru blog, insa nu reusesc mereu. Trecand peste asta, va spuneam ca acum citesc cartea "The hallowed ones" de Laura Bickle, carte care este si la concurs(am primit doua exemplare de la scriitoare) si am ajuns la pagina 161. Superba cartea. Sunt ca pe ace. SI abia astept sa ma reapuc sa citesc din ea.

   Mai mult, sper ca in curand sa mai dau drumul unui concurs, si sper sa va inscrieti cat mai multi.

    De altfel, mai sunt 5 zile pana la ziua mea de nastere, pe 27 octombrie. Abia astept :) :) LOL. Numar zilele. Ei,, nu toti facem asta?

     Mai mult, sper ca postarile sa va placa. Mai vorbim. Voi ce mai ziceti?

VISĂTOAREA, Cartea a doua din seria EVERNIGHT de Claudia Gray
Născută din părinţi vampiri, Biancăi i s-a spus întotdeauna că e menită să devină aidoma lor. Dar s-a îndrăgostit de Lucas, un irezistibil vânător de vampiri infiltrat la Academia Evernight, şcoala-internat exclusivistă la care este elevă. Bianca este hotărâtă să fie împreună cu Lucas, chiar dacă pentru asta e nevoie să-i mintă pe vampirii puternici din Evernight.
Propriile minciuni o împing în adâncul misterelor şcolii, şi descoperă că până şi cei în care are cea mai mare încredere îşi au propriile secrete întunecate. Când o forţă fantomatică începe să atace academia – având-o pe Bianca drept ţintă –, ea descoperă adevăruri şocante din propriul trecut, care-i vor schimba pentru totdeauna viitorul.
“Odată ce am început să citesc EVERNIGHT, n-am mai putut-o lăsa din mână. De-abia aştept volumul următor din seria Claudiei Gray!” – L.J. Smith, autoarea seriei Jurnalele Vampirilor, bestseller New York Times

Pentru mai multe informaţii, vizitaţi www.claudiagray.com
Cartea are 384 de pagini, formatul 13 x 20 cm, este cartonată fără supracopertă. Preţul de listă este 39,90 lei, iar la precomandă beneficiaţi de 25% reducere şi transport gratuit.
[...] Mi-ai arătat toate constelaţiile, dar nu mi-ai spus niciodată de ce priveşti stelele.
Mi-am înconjurat genunchii cu braţele şi mi-am sprijinit bărbia pe ei, căzând pe gânduri. Deşi ştiam răspunsul, era important să-i vorbesc lui Lucas astfel încât să înţeleagă.
Părinţii mei mi-au spus ce sunt eu în realitate încă de când eram foarte mică, imediat ce m-au considerat capabilă să păstrez un secret. Au făcut ca adevărul să sune de parcă ar fi fost ceva deosebit. O mare aventură. Am crezut că era ca în poveştile cu zâne, când fata care mătură prin casă descoperă că de fapt e prinţesă şi că într-o bună zi va veni s-o caute un prinţ. Ca şi cum secretul din mine ar fi fost magic.
Lucas părea dornic să pună o întrebare, dar şi-a dat probabil seama că mă străduiam din răsputeri să găsesc cuvintele potrivite, aşa că a continuat să mă privească în tăcere.
– Am priceput pentru prima oară că nu era vorba doar de distracţie şi de magie – am ştiut deodată că exista ceva rău în a fi…
M-am uitat în jur. Raionul în care ne aflam continua să fie pustiu, dar am ocolit oricum cuvântul care începea cu V.
– …că în asta era ceva rău atunci când am înţeles că eu n-o să mor niciodată, dar toţi prietenii mei din Arrowwood vor muri. Carrie, şi Tom, şi Renne – vor muri cu toţii. Absolut toţi. Vor îmbătrâni şi vor dispărea, iar eu voi rămâne singură. Asta m-a speriat, fiindcă mi-am dat seama că, dintre toţi oamenii pe care-i iubesc pe lume, voi putea să-i păstrez alături pe foarte puţini.
Lucas mi-a cuprins cu blândeţe un obraz în căuşul palmei. Mi-am înghiţit nodul din gât şi am continuat:
Aşa că m-am străduit să mă gândesc ce aş putea păstra. Să aflu dacă există ceva care va rămâne întotdeauna cu mine.
Stelele…, a spus Lucas. Ai ştiut că poţi avea întotdeauna stelele.
Am dat din cap, ştiind că înţelesese totul. M-a luat în braţe şi m-a strâns atât de tare, încât am fost convinsă că şi el avea să-mi fie alături pentru totdeauna.

Nu stiu despre voi, insa eu m-am uitat la TVD, la primul episod din sezonul 4, iar acum vreau, sper sa am timpul necesar sa-l urmaresc si pe al doilea. Da! A aparut!

Voi v-ati uitat la serial? Cum vi se pare?

 I wanted to read "Cicada" from the first second that I looked at her. I wanted to buy it, but I have not from where to, so I participated at Belle's giveaway on facebook. And guess what? I won! I was so happy! Three weeks later,"Cicada" was arriving to me, and I begun to read it. It took me so long because of school, and I haven't enought time to read.  But right now, I can say that this stunning book deserve to be read by everybody!

 Blair is the main character. She's sweet, strong, beautiful, a good friend and brave. I loved Blair. She and her friends, Andrew, her big brother, Natalie, David and Everett are very close to each other. I enjoyed that this story isn't a typical one, and that's it's complicated. Blair's father and brother died a few time ago. It's the beggining of summer, and she and her friends want to have fun, because when the school is going to begun, Blair will be kinda alone, her friends goining to college. 

   So...I isn't as safe as everyone thinks because they found a weird coccon, and it's complicated. The thing inside is a sort of alien, and the guys name him "Cicada". Everett fascination for bugs stunned me. He seems, at the beginning, the B-F-F guy type, but, during the book he became hot, beautiful, and you can't fall for him. Natalie is a secondary character. She's okay. David is her boyfriend. David seemed to me quite native, always purposing "Kill the Cicada", etc. Andrew is Blair's  brother and he's a kind of guy who seem to be who he's not, trying to be like his father and his brother, Aaron.

    In the dark woods, the kids are discovering a sort of alien, as I told, and Everett is taking this alien at his depository. The reseachs for the Cicada's origins continue, and the character's attention is catched by a big-weird building. I enjoyed a lot that the book is full of suspence. Is funny, lovely, antrenant and a quick read. I didn't get bored at all! I loved everything! My favorite character whas Blair, but I loved everyone.

    Again, I was stunned by Belle's way of writing. She's so good! And more, as person she's kind and sweet and love to speak with her fans.

"Cicada" is a good book. One of my best reads. I enjoyed more and more the way that the story is disposed, beginning with a antrenant plot, continuing with mystery, and finalizing with a explozive end. So antrenant!

About the love story, she's so sweet! So much drama and true love. I don't know what to say more...just: Cicada is a must to read for everyone! Loved it! Loved it!

This book have from me a : 5/5

 Pentru ca tot se apropie Halloween-ul, si implicit si ziua mea de nastere(mai sunt doar 11 zile) m-am decis sa incep pentru voi un nou maraton de concursuri!

 Am primit "The hallowed ones" de la Laura Bickle, special pentru concurs, are autograf, toate cele, si va merge in scurt timp la un norocos castigator!

 De asemenea, recenzia cartii va aparea undeva saptamana viitoare pe blog, pentru ca acum citesc "Cicada" .

  Cum sa o castigati?
   Completati Rafflecopter-ul de mai jos. Si succes!
Pe 30 afisez castigatorul. Deschis doar pentru Romania.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Nu-i asa ca abia asteptati aparitia noului episod al serialului Pretty Little Liars? Eu una da! Abia abia abia astept! Va las cateva poze:

Ashley Benson este superba! O vedeti aici in rolul lui Marilyn Monroe.

One of the biggest joys of writing fiction is getting to know the characters as they form themselves into personalities that seem real and almost tangible. Once a writer has gotten to the point that his/her characters are more than fiction on the page, finding an actor or actress who could fill their shoes is like searching for treasure.  Wanna see who I’d choose to play the roles of my characters?
Drum roll…….
Blair Reynolds: Amanda Seyfried

Blair, the main character and narrator of Cicada, is very intelligent. She is the kind of person that observes people and happenings around her and evaluates the situation. She is a thinker, yet also a doer. Above all, Blair is loyal and brave and loves with the ferocity of a lion. Amanda Seyfried would be an excellent choice to fill Blair’s shoes. She resembles Blair in appearance, temperament, and mannerisms a great deal. And her voice is very similar to Blair’s, too! 

Andrew (and the memory of Aaron): Zac Efron
Andrew, Blair’s surviving big brother, is one of those souls who is loved and respected by everyone. He’s got that All-American charismatic appeal, and he is a genuinely nice guy. Andrew is very protective of his little sister Blair and their mom. After losing his twin brother Aaron and their father, he turned to religion to deal with the pain and loss. Zac Efron would be an excellent actor to fill the part of Andrew, because he’s got that same good-guy persona and really looks a lot like Andrew’s character.

Everett: Josh Hutcherson

Everett Forster, loved by all–readers and fellow characters alike! He is probably the most loved character by my readers. And I’m not surprised. Everett is super-loyal and brilliant! He begins the story as the typical nerd and ends as a sexy hunk! Not only is Everett the best friend of Blair, but he’s also her true love. He would go to any lengths to protect her. And he does, almost to the point of paying the ultimate price. Josh Hutcherson would be a terrific actor to play the part of Everett.

David: Kellan Lutz

David Hargrave, high school sports star, is Andrew’s best friend and Natalie’s boyfriend. David is huge, strong, and straight forward. He doesn’t have a lot to say, but when he says it, he means it. David is handsome, blonde, with blue eyes. And he’s definitely got Andrew’s back. He helped Andrew get through the loss of his brother and father. And he loves his girlfriend with his whole being. Kellan Lutz is a good fit as David. He’s big, strong, and good looking! 

Natalie: Lucy Hale 

Natalie is David’s true love. We don’t really know much about Natalie’s family or even her last name. What we do know is that she wants to be a kindergarten teacher after she graduates from college. But the most important thing to Natalie is to marry David and have children. Beautiful Natalie was a high school cheerleader and homecoming queen. She and Blair were not necessarily friends in high school, but their friendship grows as the story unfolds. Lucy Hale looks very much like Natalie and would be a very good actor to fill her part. 

Sam Elliott Picture
Grandpa: Sam Elliot

Grandpa is actually based on my dear father, whom I love and miss dearly. He is protective of his family…and family is the most important thing to him in the world. Grandpa is a large animal veterinarian and has a clinic on his ranch where he has trained Blair to work with animals so that she can take over the clinic one day. Grandpa has played a huge role in Blair’s and Andrew’s lives since the loss of their father. Sam Elliot really looks and sounds like Grandpa. He would be perfect for the part! 

Grandma: Gena Rowlands

Grandma is the typical grandmother. She loves her two surviving grandchildren with all her heart, and she’s very close to her daughter, Blair’s mom, who is an only child. We don’t know a lot about Grandma, except she likes to cook and entertain at the ranch. And she’d do anything for her family. Grandma seems meek and mild. But we might find out there’s a different side to Grandma before it’s all over with! The lovely Gena Rowlands would be a wonderful actress to fill the part of Grandma. 

Mom: Gillian AndersonMom owns a bakery called Sprinkles. She works long hours and loves her children very much. She’s been a single mom since she lost her husband and lives with a broken heart beating in her chest. Mom has secrets, and to tell too much more here about Mom would give away spoilers. Gillian Anderson looks almost identical to Mom. She would be an excellent choice for the part! 

Dad (the memory of him): Daniel Craig

Dad was an explorer and had served in the military during Desert Storm, before Andrew and Blair were born. Dad loved Mom very much. They were soul-mates. Daniel Craig is a dead ringer for Dad! 

Well, there you are! A list of possible actors and actresses who would fill the shoes of my characters beautifully! 

Thank you so much for having me over for a cappuccino and a chat!  It’s been wonderful getting to know you and your readers!  I hope y’all will stop by any or all of my social networking sites and say “howdy” sometime!  I love hearing from readers, and I always respond. J

Do you like the cast? Me, I do!  

Ei bine, da, o promisiune este ca un juramant. Acel moment cand poti spune un lucru mic, precum "Iti iau o bomboana", care nici nu se compara cu "iti voi fi prieten pe viata".  Nu cunosc magazinul Oktal(magazin online). Poate am intrat o data sau de doua ori in el. Asa ca, nu imi pot da cu parerea daca e bun sau nu , daca isi respecta promisiunile sau nu. Insa un lucru e cert: atat timp cat promiti din, ca magazin online, 1999 si nu te-a apostrofat nimeni, atunci e clar ca ceva acolo merge bine.  -text pentru competitia "super-blog"

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES  Pictured (L-R): Paul Wesley as Stefan, Nina Dobrev as Elena, and Ian Somerhalder as Damon.  Image Number: VD4_3Shot_Garden_2386re.jpg.  Photo Credit: Justin Stephens/The CW.  © 2012 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

Abia acum am aflat si eu: Elena, Damon, Stefan si ceilalti! SI OH, GOSH, cand am vazut poza asta!!!

Super tare! Stiu ca nu se vede super clar, insa daca o faceam mai mare nu se mai intelegea nimic.

Problema? Pe acum nu prea am timp sa ma uit la TVD, asa ca pastrez sezonul 4 pentru vacanta de iarna. Pf, abia am putin timp liber!

Voi v-ati uitat la TVD? Vreau sa stiu cum vi s-au parut  episoadele!

 I've got this book from Cameo Renae in exchange for a honestly review. I thinked, from the beginning, that this book is stunning. And guess what? She is.

Lizzy Hayes is the main character.

 I like Lizzy. She can be my alter ego.She's smart, beautiful, cute, brave and lovely. As character, it's good created. Elizabeth await Michael to come, to celebrate their 4th anniversary. But...Michael is late - so not Michael. Lizzy falls asleep, and she have a bizzare dream. When she woke up, a call annonce her the most evil thing in the word: Michael is dead. In a car accident.

 Cameo knows how to make the readers being captivated by the subject of book, living every moment near Liz and I loved that. More, Michael comes in Liz's dreams, and here the'll be a lot of beautiful moment, descriptions good placed, and I enjoyed that a lot. Next,  Liz reached a strange call from a bizzare man, and she founds out that Michael has been killer, that Tyler(his best friend) is involved, and that the killer is outside and he's coming for her...

    At the beginning, Liz isn't such a good friend with Em, but by the book, by the chapters, they become good friends. Liz's mom is a person who drinks a lot, and her father leaved them a long time ago for a younger person. So, the main character, even if don't thinks that she's strong, she's a lot.
She's also brave, and modest, and manny other thigs. The point is that I loved her much. Next, Michael is a good boy. He's beautiful, and loves Lizzy . I found true love between them, not just sexual attraction. It was sooo lovely .

    About the action, it was full of it. Really. It happened so many things that sometimes I was asking: "What can happen how? It's over! " And I was wrong. So, if you want a thriller story with ghosts, I recommend you this book. It was so full of action!

    Look why I gaved a 4.5 and not a 5.5 : because it wasn't something new about the skelet: a boy, murdered, and the killer comes for his girlfriend. And look why I gaved a 4.5 - it had so many unic moments!
      And I falled, me too, for Michael. And...I am asking if this book will have a next. 'Cuz if she has, is on my 2read list!

The evil character is good. I mean, not as good, a good person, I was saying that he's soo tupid and during the book I wanted to come inside and punch his idiot fce. I enjoyed the part when Lizzy is ost throught the woods, and Michael helps her, I was so curious of what is goining to hapen. Then, in her dreams, Liz have visions of it is going to happen, and that really rules! So cool. And, when she met Lucy, a medium, the story become a lot more intresting

 As debut, it was awsome I always watched movies with killers, and ghosts, but I've never read a book with those themes
    The part with the comunications between Michael and Liz through dreams was awsome! I dislike the books whe a person die, and the others can't contact him anymore. But right now, it's possible, and I've been stunned by Cameo's imagination sometiimes. It rules!
      I can't tell you more about the action because I'll spoiler, but you'll be surprised, definetly.

   I definetly recommend this book to everyone, and again, I loved her so much!

The Gathering Storm (Katerina #1)

St. Petersburg, Russia, 1888. As she attends a whirl of glittering balls, royal debutante Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, tries to hide a dark secret: she can raise the dead. No one knows. Not her family. Not the girls at her finishing school. Not the tsar or anyone in her aristocratic circle. Katerina considers her talent a curse, not a gift. But when she uses her special skill to protect a member of the Imperial Family, she finds herself caught in a web of intrigue.

An evil presence is growing within Europe's royal bloodlines—and those aligned with the darkness threaten to topple the tsar. Suddenly Katerina's strength as a necromancer attracts attention from unwelcome sources . . . including two young men—George Alexandrovich, the tsar's standoffish middle son, who needs Katerina's help to safeguard Russia, even if he's repelled by her secret, and the dashing Prince Danilo, heir to the throne of Montenegro, to whom Katerina feels inexplicably drawn.

The time has come for Katerina to embrace her power, but which side will she choose—and to whom will she give her heart?

Nu stiu ce parere aveti voi, insa eu cred ca suna foarte cool! 

 Evanescence sunt trupa mea preferata, iar seralul TVD e pe locul 2, dupa PLL.

Acest fanart este facut pe melodia "Taking over me" . Love it!

Va plac? Stiti cumva daca a reinceput sezonul 4?

 Acum citesc "In my dreams" de Cameo Renae. Cameo a fost foarte draguta si mi-a trimis o copie a cartii ei spre recenzare tocmai din Alaska. Acum am ajuns la pagina 90, ceea ce inseamna, dupa cum imi este spus pe Goodreads, cam 40% din numarul paginilor.

 Whatever...important este ca este geniala! Imi place toata faza cu fantomele, cu spiritele, cu iubirea nemuritoare din Michael si Lizzy. Oricum, veti afla mai multe in recenzia pe care cred ca o voi posta candva saptamana asta.

    Intrebarea mea era: voi ce mai cititi? Eu ma apuc dupa de "The hallowed ones" de Laura Bickle ! :)

Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles #2)

Ethan Wate used to think of Gatlin, the small Southern town he had always called home, as a place where nothing ever changed. Then he met mysterious newcomer Lena Duchannes, who revealed a secret world that had been hidden in plain sight all along. A Gatlin that harbored ancient secrets beneath its moss-covered oaks and cracked sidewalks. A Gatlin where a curse has marked Lena's family of powerful Supernaturals for generations. A Gatlin where impossible, magical, life-altering events happen.

Sometimes life-ending.

Together they can face anything Gatlin throws at them, but after suffering a tragic loss, Lena starts to pull away, keeping secrets that test their relationship. And now that Ethan's eyes have been opened to the darker side of Gatlin, there's no going back. Haunted by strange visions only he can see, Ethan is pulled deeper into his town's tangled history and finds himself caught up in the dangerous network of underground passageways endlessly crisscrossing the South, where nothing is as it seems.

Gasiti recenzia la prima carte, "A 16-ea luna"  aici . Eu una, cum termin cu "In my dreams", "Micutele mincinoase" , "Blestemul focului" celelalte carti in engleza, ma apuc de "Beautiful darkness"

  VOI ati citit-o?

 Ajunsă deja la cea de-a de a doua proba din cadrul concursului Super blog pot spune că etapa aceasta m-a încântat și mi-a plăcut la nebunie. Ador să aleg haine, deși nu mă dau in vânt spre a le proba, ci direct a le purta, deoarece discuţiile "ăsta e prea mic; acesta prea larg; oh, nu ! e stramt! " mă exasperează.

   Am observat ţinutele create de DESIGNERS(marca proprie), și le-am apreciat enorm. Imi place să port cămăși, așa că aceea pe care am văzut-o în pagina doi a catalogului magazinului Realparcă striga "Cumpără-mă! ". Aș asorta-o cu ghetele negru- bej, că tot vine iarna (anotimpul meu preferat) și am nevoie de ceva călduros în picioare...

Rochia roșie de la pagina trei mi-a plăcut din prima clipă, insă cu regret, eu nu am talia manechinei, și mi-e teamă că nu imi va veni la fel de bine.  Pentru mama, care adoră fustele, mai ales cele ca aceea maro de la pagina patru,  i-aș lua-o cadou. Cand cumpăr, în general  articole vestimentare, mă iau după instinct. Cel mai mult, după părerea mea,contează dacă îmi vine bine sau nu, dacă îmi place sau nu. Nu e vorba de modă, sau de alte criterii înafară de plăcerea de a avea o rochită sau o pereche de cizme din piele de șarpe(aș vrea eu).

 Costumaţia alcatuită din rochia roșie, cardiganul, dresurile, cizmele negre mi s-a părut de un contrast elegant, frumos și de bun gust. Jacheta de dama de culoare cărămizie este ideală pentru prietena mea cea mai bună, care acum experimentează un nou look. La capitolul pijamale, cu cat mai confortabil, cu atat mai bine.

   In principal, cand aleg o piesă vestimentară, mă orientez după comoditate, pret și aspectul să-mi fie pe plac.

Incă de când am văzut aceasta întâie probă,pentru Super-blog(un concurs genial ) m-am gândit: " Oh, nu! e cu maşini, eu nu mă pricep! ", şi tot restul săptămanii am stat pe gânduri, m-am foit şi am dat să abandonez. Apoi, un gând nervos,
 luptător, care mereu mă împinge spre a face tot felul de lucruri, mi-a zis vijelios : "Pe bune, te dai deja bătută? Vorbeşti serios? Când ai mai renunţat tu ? "

 Am zis să-i dau ascultare vocii năstruşnice.

 Maşina Toyota este, de altfel, una superbă. De când am observat-o cu atenţie, m-am intrebat dacă nu cumva are un model şi pe negru şi să vă explic de ce negru.

Nu ştiu cât de cunoscut este "Heart of darkness", însă acesta este un blog de cărţi. Pe cât posibil, aici este mica mea lume în care scriu toate opiniile, sentimentele şi părerile despre tot felul de poveşti, de cărţi, muzică şi chiar şi desene. Dintre seriile de ficţiune pe care le-am citit, m-a fascinat întotdeauna triunghiul amoros dintre Elena, Damon şi Stefan din "Jurnalele vampirilor". Poate suna tipul clasic de dragoste, însă felul in care L.J.Smith îmbină sentimentele, cuvintele şi actiunea este plin de suspans, de emoţie. Damon este personajul negativ cu potenţial pozitiv. Imbrăcat mereu în negru din cap până-n picioare, cu puterea de a se transforma în corb, el este echivalentul unui vampir superb, care, subliniez, are o plăcere evidentă pentru culoarea nopţii.

Ian Somenhalder, actor ce il interpreteaza pe Damon
  Rapid, superb, subtil, asemănat cu o felină, un gentelmen adevărat, şi cel mai important, cu toate ca uneori este prea întunecat, are o inimă de aur. In opinia mea, lui i s-ar potrivi o Toyota - neapărat pe negru :)  Ea îl va completa perfect.

I`ve got this book from Lexi George in exchange for a honestly review. Demon hunting in the deep south was a book kinda okay. It wasn`t the best, but not awful. It vas just OK. Evie Douglas is the main character in "Demon hunting in the deep south". She`s a beautiful women, with long red hair, and beautiful body. She lives in Hannah.

 All her familiy died, so the only persons with who she's speaking and spend time are Addy, her energic, brave and funny BFF and her familiy. Right now, Evie's heart is broken. She doesn't know why, but she's sad. She feels a big goal in her soul.

One day, she find Meredith, at job, she find her dead.
Meredith is the bad character in the hole story. Even if she is dead, as ghost she`s soooo evil!

Meredith accuse, before dying, Evie of having an affair with Trey, her husband. Always bulled by Mer, Evie tried to stay under radar and keep away from troubles.
Okay, so now, that she's found dead in Evie's office, everyone accuse Evangeline to be the killer. More, the murder weapon is found in Evie's car, so the proves are obvious. The history is changing when Ansgar - beautiful, a super- demon - hunter re-appears. Evie seems to be (from the first view) in love with him. But again, the story don't finish right now! It's more complicated.

The strange feeling, like they've had met before hunt Evie, and she finds out that she has been Ansgar girlfriend a few monts ago, before she's been changed in a Demon Hunter, before she couldn't see the fairies, before everything changed. The point is that she falls - again - in love for Ansgar. Evie's nervous. She is accused for murder, and go for 1 day to jail, but her caution is payed. Guess from who? Trey! More, Evie found ut that Meredith, as ghost, still hunt her, but she can't hurt EVie. Maybe just with worlds. From now the real story can begin. This was just the plot. If you continue reading, you'll find out a new word. I enjoyed that a lot.

Lexy knows how to make people to be scared, or in love, or happy,during this book. I loved that a lot. More and more, I didn't enjoyed at all that the part of story - with the murder and the research for the real killer - is kinda abandoned, and it's speaking a lot about Evie and Ansgar relationship. When "Mullet woman" aka Nicole appears, I begun being soooo bored. With her creepy dog, she didn't realized just to bore me. It was, in my opinion, a wrong character. Again, the scenes with Nicole disappointed me. I don't know why "Mullet woman" is present in such a beautiful story.

If I have to rate this book, I'll give a 3 by 5. It wasn't the best, honestly. At the beginning, the description and the action were perfectly placed, but around page 250 it was more boring then beautiful. Evie find herself ugly, she don't trust in her powers. Again, I didn't found true love between Ansgar and Evangeline. It was something OK, but not the most honest and the one that will broke your heart of happiness. Lenora, by the way, is a gorgeous and a super character! She's the girlfriend of Addy's brother, and she's funny, lovely and beautiful, and solitaire. Loved her.

All together, it was a funny story, and I enjoyed it! If Evie's going to forget Ansgar for his mistakes, or if she's gonna be accused for murder...and more! You'll see during the book!

 Another ideea is that the main love between Evie and Ansgar wasn't, in my opinion, enough true love. Because I found more sexual attraction, and not true love. It's difficult to explain. I didn't read the first book, Demon hunting in Dixie, so I don't know anything about how their relationship evolued. The mystery of murder it's ok, but at one point. At the end, I already now the true. But this was what I was thinking, and I don't know if everybody through that.

Note: 3.5

Melodia asta a aparut in 1998, si totusi, de atunci a ramas celebra. Ajung sa o aud in ziua de azi la radio. Si ghici? Imi place :)


GELOZIE, volumul 3 din seria ALTFEL DE ÎNGERI de Lili St. Crow

Întunecată, periculoasă şi sexy

În sfârşit, Dru Anderson ar trebui să fie în siguranţă, căci a reuşit să scape de colţii vampirilor şi a ajuns la Schola Prima, principala şcoală unde îşi are cartierul general Ordinul. Aici începe să se pregătească şi să înveţe ce înseamnă de fapt să fii o svetocha ─ o creatură pe jumătate vampir, pe jumătate om, şi dotată cu puteri nebănuite ─ în Lumea Reală a băieţilor djamphiri. Dar o pânză de păianjen de minciuni şi trădări continuă să se strângă în jurul ei. Christophe lipseşte, Graves se poartă ciudat, iar gărzile de corp pe care le-a primit par să ştie mai mult decât ar trebui. Şi tot aici o regăseşte şi pe capricioasa Anna, cealaltă svetocha cu puteri asemănătoare cu ale ei, dar care nu vrea să împartă cu ea luminile reflectoarelor. Dru trebuie să găsească o modalitate de a-i face faţă Annei, să afle mai multe secrete din propriul ei trecut, să ţină piept atacurilor vampirilor şi în acelaşi timp să-şi lămurească sentimentele pe care le nutreşte pentru Graves şi Christophe.
Există un trădător în Ordin care o vrea pe Dru moartă ─ dar mai întâi trebuie să afle ce îşi mai aminteşte ea din noaptea în care a murit mama ei. Dru a blocat această amintire, dar se pare că va trebui totuşi să şi-o elibereze, mai ales atunci când Christophe se întoarce şi urmează să fie judecat în faţa Consiliului. Iar singura care îi poate salva viaţa este chiar Dru.
Fanii lui Dru nu vor fi dezamăgiţi nici în acest antrenant volum al seriei. Romanul se citeşte dintr-o suflare, şi mulţi dintre cititori se vor identifica din nou cu acest personaj fascinant – puternic, dar şi vulnerabil, cu aură de djamphir, dar adesea cu un comportament amintind de cel al unei adolescente obişnuite…
Pentru mai multe informaţii despre această serie şi despre autoare, vizitaţi www.strange-angels.com şi www.lilithsaintcrow.com.

Burn for Burn (Burn for Burn #1)